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tydeu authored Dec 2, 2024
2 parents f9899b7 + b2336fd commit 8d0c4e9
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Showing 85 changed files with 23,408 additions and 19,521 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions .github/workflows/pr-release.yml
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Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Download artifact from the previous workflow.
if: ${{ steps.workflow-info.outputs.pullRequestNumber != '' }}
id: download-artifact
uses: dawidd6/action-download-artifact@v6 #
uses: dawidd6/action-download-artifact@v7 #
run_id: ${{ }}
path: artifacts
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ jobs:
- name: 'Setup jq'
if: ${{ steps.workflow-info.outputs.pullRequestNumber != '' }}
uses: dcarbone/install-jq-action@v2.1.0
uses: dcarbone/install-jq-action@v3.0.1

# Check that the most recently nightly coincides with 'git merge-base HEAD master'
- name: Check merge-base and nightly-testing-YYYY-MM-DD
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9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -8,11 +8,16 @@ This file contains work-in-progress notes for the upcoming release, as well as p
Please check the [releases]( page for the current status
of each version.


Development in progress.


Release candidate, release notes will be copied from the branch `releases/v4.15.0` once completed.


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,7 +93,7 @@ v4.13.0
* [#4768]( fixes a parse error when `..` appears with a `.` on the next line

* Metaprogramming
* [#3090]( handles level parameters in `Meta.evalExpr` (@eric-wieser)
* [#3090]( handles level parameters in `Meta.evalExpr` (@eric-wieser)
* [#5401]( instance for `Inhabited (TacticM α)` (@alexkeizer)
* [#5412]( expose Kernel.check for debugging purposes
* [#5556]( improves the "invalid projection" type inference error in `inferType`.
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion debug.log

This file was deleted.

12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions script/mathlib-bench
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#! /bin/env bash
# Open a Mathlib4 PR for benchmarking a given Lean 4 PR

set -euo pipefail

[ $# -eq 1 ] || (echo "usage: $0 <lean4 PR #>"; exit 1)

PR_RESPONSE=$(gh api repos/leanprover-community/mathlib4/pulls -X POST -f head=lean-pr-testing-$LEAN_PR -f base=nightly-testing -f title="leanprover/lean4#$LEAN_PR benchmarking" -f draft=true -f body="ignore me")
PR_NUMBER=$(echo "$PR_RESPONSE" | jq '.number')
echo "opened$PR_NUMBER"
gh api repos/leanprover-community/mathlib4/issues/$PR_NUMBER/comments -X POST -f body="!bench" > /dev/null
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/CMakeLists.txt
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Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ endif()
project(LEAN CXX C)
set(LEAN_VERSION_IS_RELEASE 0) # This number is 1 in the release revision, and 0 otherwise.
set(LEAN_SPECIAL_VERSION_DESC "" CACHE STRING "Additional version description like 'nightly-2018-03-11'")
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Init/Data/Array.lean
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Expand Up @@ -20,3 +20,4 @@ import Init.Data.Array.MapIdx
import Init.Data.Array.Set
import Init.Data.Array.Monadic
import Init.Data.Array.FinRange
import Init.Data.Array.Perm
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions src/Init/Data/Array/Lemmas.lean
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Expand Up @@ -59,6 +59,14 @@ namespace List

open Array

theorem toArray_inj {a b : List α} (h : a.toArray = b.toArray) : a = b := by
cases a with
| nil => simpa using h
| cons a as =>
cases b with
| nil => simp at h
| cons b bs => simpa using h

@[simp] theorem size_toArrayAux {a : List α} {b : Array α} :
(a.toArrayAux b).size = b.size + a.length := by
simp [size]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -396,6 +404,11 @@ namespace Array

/-! ## Preliminaries -/

/-! ### toList -/

theorem toList_inj {a b : Array α} (h : a.toList = b.toList) : a = b := by
cases a; cases b; simpa using h

/-! ### empty -/

@[simp] theorem empty_eq {xs : Array α} : #[] = xs ↔ xs = #[] := by
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65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions src/Init/Data/Array/Perm.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 Lean FRO. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Kim Morrison
import Init.Data.List.Nat.Perm
import Init.Data.Array.Lemmas

namespace Array

open List

`Perm as bs` asserts that `as` and `bs` are permutations of each other.
This is a wrapper around `List.Perm`, and for now has much less API.
For more complicated verification, use `perm_iff_toList_perm` and the `List` API.
def Perm (as bs : Array α) : Prop :=
as.toList ~ bs.toList

@[inherit_doc] scoped infixl:50 " ~ " => Perm

theorem perm_iff_toList_perm {as bs : Array α} : as ~ bs ↔ as.toList ~ bs.toList := Iff.rfl

@[simp] theorem perm_toArray (as bs : List α) : as.toArray ~ bs.toArray ↔ as ~ bs := by
simp [perm_iff_toList_perm]

@[simp, refl] protected theorem Perm.refl (l : Array α) : l ~ l := by
cases l

protected theorem Perm.rfl {l : List α} : l ~ l := .refl _

theorem Perm.of_eq {l₁ l₂ : Array α} (h : l₁ = l₂) : l₁ ~ l₂ := h ▸ .rfl

protected theorem Perm.symm {l₁ l₂ : Array α} (h : l₁ ~ l₂) : l₂ ~ l₁ := by
cases l₁; cases l₂
simp only [perm_toArray] at h
simpa using h.symm

protected theorem Perm.trans {l₁ l₂ l₃ : Array α} (h₁ : l₁ ~ l₂) (h₂ : l₂ ~ l₃) : l₁ ~ l₃ := by
cases l₁; cases l₂; cases l₃
simp only [perm_toArray] at h₁ h₂
simpa using h₁.trans h₂

instance : Trans (Perm (α := α)) (Perm (α := α)) (Perm (α := α)) where
trans h₁ h₂ := Perm.trans h₁ h₂

theorem perm_comm {l₁ l₂ : Array α} : l₁ ~ l₂ ↔ l₂ ~ l₁ := ⟨Perm.symm, Perm.symm⟩

theorem Perm.push (x y : α) {l₁ l₂ : Array α} (p : l₁ ~ l₂) :
(l₁.push x).push y ~ (l₂.push y).push x := by
cases l₁; cases l₂
simp only [perm_toArray] at p
simp only [push_toArray, List.append_assoc, singleton_append, perm_toArray]
exact p.append (Perm.swap' _ _ Perm.nil)

theorem swap_perm {as : Array α} {i j : Nat} (h₁ : i < as.size) (h₂ : j < as.size) :
as.swap i j ~ as := by
simp only [swap, perm_iff_toList_perm, toList_set]
apply set_set_perm

end Array
54 changes: 27 additions & 27 deletions src/Init/Data/Array/QSort.lean
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Expand Up @@ -4,46 +4,46 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Leonardo de Moura
import Init.Data.Array.Basic
import Init.Data.Vector.Basic
import Init.Data.Ord

namespace Array
-- TODO: remove the [Inhabited α] parameters as soon as we have the tactic framework for automating proof generation and using Array.fget

def qpartition (as : Array α) (lt : α → α → Bool) (lo hi : Nat) : Nat × Array α :=
if h : as.size = 0 then (0, as) else have : Inhabited α := ⟨as[0]'(by revert h; cases as.size <;> simp)⟩ -- TODO: remove
private def qpartition {n} (as : Vector α n) (lt : α → α → Bool) (lo hi : Nat)
(hlo : lo < n := by omega) (hhi : hi < n := by omega) : {n : Nat // lo ≤ n} × Vector α n :=
let mid := (lo + hi) / 2
let as := if lt (as.get! mid) (as.get! lo) then as.swapIfInBounds lo mid else as
let as := if lt (as.get! hi) (as.get! lo) then as.swapIfInBounds lo hi else as
let as := if lt (as.get! mid) (as.get! hi) then as.swapIfInBounds mid hi else as
let pivot := as.get! hi
let rec loop (as : Array α) (i j : Nat) :=
let as := if lt as[mid] as[lo] then as.swap lo mid else as
let as := if lt as[hi] as[lo] then as.swap lo hi else as
let as := if lt as[mid] as[hi] then as.swap mid hi else as
let pivot := as[hi]
let rec loop (as : Vector α n) (i j : Nat)
(ilo : lo ≤ i := by omega) (jh : j < n := by omega) (w : i ≤ j := by omega) :=
if h : j < hi then
if lt (as.get! j) pivot then
let as := as.swapIfInBounds i j
loop as (i+1) (j+1)
if lt as[j] pivot then
loop (as.swap i j) (i+1) (j+1)
loop as i (j+1)
let as := as.swapIfInBounds i hi
(i, as)
termination_by hi - j
decreasing_by all_goals simp_wf; decreasing_trivial_pre_omega
(⟨i, ilo⟩, as.swap i hi)
loop as lo lo

@[inline] partial def qsort (as : Array α) (lt : α → α → Bool) (low := 0) (high := as.size - 1) : Array α :=
let rec @[specialize] sort (as : Array α) (low high : Nat) :=
if low < high then
let p := qpartition as lt low high;
-- TODO: fix `partial` support in the equation compiler, it breaks if we use `let (mid, as) := partition as lt low high`
let mid := p.1
let as := p.2
if mid >= high then as
@[inline] def qsort (as : Array α) (lt : α → α → Bool := by exact (· < ·))
(low := 0) (high := as.size - 1) : Array α :=
let rec @[specialize] sort {n} (as : Vector α n) (lo hi : Nat)
(hlo : lo < n := by omega) (hhi : hi < n := by omega) :=
if h₁ : lo < hi then
let ⟨⟨mid, hmid⟩, as⟩ := qpartition as lt lo hi
if h₂ : mid ≥ hi then
let as := sort as low mid
sort as (mid+1) high
sort (sort as lo mid) (mid+1) hi
else as
sort as low high
if h : as.size = 0 then
let low := min low (as.size - 1)
let high := min high (as.size - 1)
sort ⟨as, rfl⟩ low high |>.toArray

set_option linter.unusedVariables.funArgs false in
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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/Init/Data/List/Lemmas.lean
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Expand Up @@ -589,6 +589,14 @@ theorem getElem?_set' {l : List α} {i j : Nat} {a : α} :
· simp only [getElem?_set_self', Option.map_eq_map, ↓reduceIte, *]
· simp only [ne_eq, not_false_eq_true, getElem?_set_ne, ↓reduceIte, *]

@[simp] theorem set_getElem_self {as : List α} {i : Nat} (h : i < as.length) :
as.set i as[i] = as := by
apply ext_getElem
· simp
· intro n h₁ h₂
rw [getElem_set]
split <;> simp_all

theorem set_eq_of_length_le {l : List α} {n : Nat} (h : l.length ≤ n) {a : α} :
l.set n a = l := by
induction l generalizing n with
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Init/Data/List/Nat.lean
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Expand Up @@ -15,3 +15,4 @@ import Init.Data.List.Nat.Find
import Init.Data.List.Nat.BEq
import Init.Data.List.Nat.Modify
import Init.Data.List.Nat.InsertIdx
import Init.Data.List.Nat.Perm
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions src/Init/Data/List/Nat/Perm.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 Lean FRO. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Kim Morrison
import Init.Data.List.Nat.TakeDrop
import Init.Data.List.Perm

namespace List

/-- Helper lemma for `set_set_perm`-/
private theorem set_set_perm' {as : List α} {i j : Nat} (h₁ : i < as.length) (h₂ : i + j < as.length)
(hj : 0 < j) :
(as.set i as[i + j]).set (i + j) as[i] ~ as := by
have : as =
as.take i ++ as[i] :: (as.take (i + j)).drop (i + 1) ++ as[i + j] :: as.drop (i + j + 1) := by
simp only [getElem_cons_drop, append_assoc, cons_append]
rw [← drop_append_of_le_length]
· simp
· simp; omega
conv => lhs; congr; congr; rw [this]
conv => rhs; rw [this]
rw [set_append_left _ _ (by simp; omega)]
rw [set_append_right _ _ (by simp; omega)]
rw [set_append_right _ _ (by simp; omega)]
simp only [length_append, length_take, length_set, length_cons, length_drop]
rw [(show i - min i as.length = 0 by omega)]
rw [(show i + j - (min i as.length + (min (i + j) as.length - (i + 1) + 1)) = 0 by omega)]
simp only [set_cons_zero]
simp only [append_assoc]
apply Perm.append_left
apply cons_append_cons_perm

theorem set_set_perm {as : List α} {i j : Nat} (h₁ : i < as.length) (h₂ : j < as.length) :
(as.set i as[j]).set j as[i] ~ as := by
if h₃ : i = j then
simp [h₃]
if h₃ : i < j then
let j' := j - i
have t : j = i + j' := by omega
generalize j' = j' at t
subst t
exact set_set_perm' _ _ (by omega)
rw [set_comm _ _ _ (by omega)]
let i' := i - j
have t : i = j + i' := by omega
generalize i' = i' at t
subst t
apply set_set_perm' _ _ (by omega)

end List
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Init/Data/List/Nat/TakeDrop.lean
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Expand Up @@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ theorem drop_append {l₁ l₂ : List α} (i : Nat) : drop (l₁.length + i) (l
rw [drop_append_eq_append_drop, drop_eq_nil_of_le] <;>
simp [Nat.add_sub_cancel_left, Nat.le_add_right]

theorem set_eq_take_append_cons_drop {l : List α} {n : Nat} {a : α} :
theorem set_eq_take_append_cons_drop (l : List α) (n : Nat) (a : α) :
l.set n a = if n < l.length then l.take n ++ a :: l.drop (n + 1) else l := by
split <;> rename_i h
· ext1 m
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16 changes: 14 additions & 2 deletions src/Init/Data/List/Perm.lean
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Expand Up @@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ protected theorem Perm.symm {l₁ l₂ : List α} (h : l₁ ~ l₂) : l₂ ~ l
| swap => exact swap ..
| trans _ _ ih₁ ih₂ => exact trans ih₂ ih₁

instance : Trans (Perm (α := α)) (Perm (α := α)) (Perm (α := α)) where
trans h₁ h₂ := Perm.trans h₁ h₂

theorem perm_comm {l₁ l₂ : List α} : l₁ ~ l₂ ↔ l₂ ~ l₁ := ⟨Perm.symm, Perm.symm⟩

theorem Perm.swap' (x y : α) {l₁ l₂ : List α} (p : l₁ ~ l₂) : y :: x :: l₁ ~ x :: y :: l₂ :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,7 +105,7 @@ theorem perm_append_comm : ∀ {l₁ l₂ : List α}, l₁ ++ l₂ ~ l₂ ++ l
| _ :: _, _ => (perm_append_comm.cons _).trans perm_middle.symm

theorem perm_append_comm_assoc (l₁ l₂ l₃ : List α) :
Perm (l₁ ++ (l₂ ++ l₃)) (l₂ ++ (l₁ ++ l₃)) := by
(l₁ ++ (l₂ ++ l₃)) ~ (l₂ ++ (l₁ ++ l₃)) := by
simpa only [List.append_assoc] using perm_append_comm.append_right _

theorem concat_perm (l : List α) (a : α) : concat l a ~ a :: l := by simp
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,7 +136,7 @@ theorem Perm.nil_eq {l : List α} (p : [] ~ l) : [] = l := p.symm.eq_nil.symm

theorem not_perm_nil_cons (x : α) (l : List α) : ¬[] ~ x :: l := (nomatch ·.symm.eq_nil)

theorem not_perm_cons_nil {l : List α} {a : α} : ¬(Perm (a::l) []) :=
theorem not_perm_cons_nil {l : List α} {a : α} : ¬((a::l) ~ []) :=
fun h => by simpa using h.length_eq

theorem Perm.isEmpty_eq {l l' : List α} (h : Perm l l') : l.isEmpty = l'.isEmpty := by
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -478,6 +481,15 @@ theorem Perm.flatten {l₁ l₂ : List (List α)} (h : l₁ ~ l₂) : l₁.flatt

@[deprecated Perm.flatten (since := "2024-10-14")] abbrev Perm.join := @Perm.flatten

theorem cons_append_cons_perm {a b : α} {as bs : List α} :
a :: as ++ b :: bs ~ b :: as ++ a :: bs := by
suffices [[a], as, [b], bs].flatten ~ [[b], as, [a], bs].flatten by simpa
apply Perm.flatten
[[a], as, [b], bs] ~ [as, [a], [b], bs] := Perm.swap as [a] _
_ ~ [as, [b], [a], bs] := Perm.cons _ (Perm.swap [b] [a] _)
_ ~ [[b], as, [a], bs] := Perm.swap [b] as _

theorem Perm.flatMap_right {l₁ l₂ : List α} (f : α → List β) (p : l₁ ~ l₂) : l₁.flatMap f ~ l₂.flatMap f :=
( _).flatten

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