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introduce DelabTermInfo
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kmill committed Dec 1, 2024
1 parent cd03248 commit d458645
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Showing 17 changed files with 222 additions and 150 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/Init/Prelude.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -648,15 +648,15 @@ set_option linter.unusedVariables.funArgs false in
Auxiliary axiom used to implement the `sorry` term and tactic.
The `sorry` term/tactic expands to `sorryAx _ (synthetic := false)`.
It intended for stubbing-out incomplete parts of a value or proof while still having a syntactically correct skeleton.
It is intended for stubbing-out incomplete parts of a value or proof while still having a syntactically correct skeleton.
Lean will give a warning whenever a declaration uses `sorry`, so you aren't likely to miss it,
but you can double check if a declaration depends on `sorry` by looking for `sorryAx` in the output
but you can check if a declaration depends on `sorry` either directly or indirectly by looking for `sorryAx` in the output
of the `#print axioms my_thm` command.
The `synthetic` flag is false when written explicitly by the user, but it is
The `synthetic` flag is false when a `sorry` is written explicitly by the user, but it is
set to `true` when a tactic fails to prove a goal, or if there is a type error
in the expression. A synthetic `sorry` acts like a regular one, except that it
suppresses follow-up errors in order to prevent one error from causing a cascade
suppresses follow-up errors in order to prevent an error from causing a cascade
of other errors because the desired term was not constructed.
@[extern "lean_sorry", never_extract]
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Init/Tactics.lean
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Expand Up @@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ closing the main goal using `exact sorry`.
This is intended for stubbing-out incomplete parts of a proof while still having a syntactically correct proof skeleton.
Lean will give a warning whenever a proof uses `sorry`, so you aren't likely to miss it,
but you can double check if a theorem depends on `sorry` by looking for `sorryAx` in the output
of the `#print axioms my_thm` command, which is the axiom used by implementation of `sorry`.
of the `#print axioms my_thm` command, the axiom used by the implementation of `sorry`.
macro "sorry" : tactic => `(tactic| exact sorry)

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12 changes: 8 additions & 4 deletions src/Lean/Elab/InfoTree/Main.lean
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Expand Up @@ -192,8 +192,12 @@ def FVarAliasInfo.format (info : FVarAliasInfo) : Format :=
def FieldRedeclInfo.format (ctx : ContextInfo) (info : FieldRedeclInfo) : Format :=
f!"FieldRedecl @ {formatStxRange ctx info.stx}"

def OmissionInfo.format (ctx : ContextInfo) (info : OmissionInfo) : IO Format := do
return f!"Omission @ {← TermInfo.format ctx info.toTermInfo}\nReason: {info.reason}"
def DelabTermInfo.format (ctx : ContextInfo) (info : DelabTermInfo) : IO Format := do
let loc := if let some (module, rng) := info.location? then f!"{module} {rng.start}-{rng.end}" else "none"
return f!"DelabTermInfo @ {← TermInfo.format ctx info.toTermInfo}\n\
Location: {loc}\n\
Docstring: {repr info.docString?}\n\
Explicit: {info.explicit}"

def ChoiceInfo.format (ctx : ContextInfo) (info : ChoiceInfo) : Format :=
f!"Choice @ {formatElabInfo ctx info.toElabInfo}"
Expand All @@ -211,7 +215,7 @@ def Info.format (ctx : ContextInfo) : Info → IO Format
| ofCustomInfo i => pure <| Std.ToFormat.format i
| ofFVarAliasInfo i => pure <| i.format
| ofFieldRedeclInfo i => pure <| i.format ctx
| ofOmissionInfo i => i.format ctx
| ofDelabTermInfo i => i.format ctx
| ofChoiceInfo i => pure <| i.format ctx

def Info.toElabInfo? : Info → Option ElabInfo
Expand All @@ -227,7 +231,7 @@ def Info.toElabInfo? : Info → Option ElabInfo
| ofCustomInfo _ => none
| ofFVarAliasInfo _ => none
| ofFieldRedeclInfo _ => none
| ofOmissionInfo i => some i.toElabInfo
| ofDelabTermInfo i => some i.toElabInfo
| ofChoiceInfo i => some i.toElabInfo

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21 changes: 15 additions & 6 deletions src/Lean/Elab/InfoTree/Types.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import Lean.Data.OpenDecl
import Lean.MetavarContext
import Lean.Environment
import Lean.Data.Json
import Lean.Data.Lsp.Basic
import Lean.Server.Rpc.Basic
import Lean.Widget.Types

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,14 +169,22 @@ structure FieldRedeclInfo where
stx : Syntax

Denotes information for the term `⋯` that is emitted by the delaborator when omitting a term
due to `pp.deepTerms false` or `pp.proofs false`. Omission needs to be treated differently from regular terms because
Denotes TermInfo with additional configurations to control interactions with delaborated terms.
For example, the omission term `⋯` that is emitted by the delaborator when omitting a term
due to `pp.deepTerms false` or `pp.proofs false` uses this.
Omission needs to be treated differently from regular terms because
it has to be delaborated differently in `Lean.Widget.InteractiveDiagnostics.infoToInteractive`:
Regular terms are delaborated explicitly, whereas omitted terms are simply to be expanded with
regular delaboration settings.
regular delaboration settings. Additionally, omissions come with a reason for omission.
structure OmissionInfo extends TermInfo where
reason : String
structure DelabTermInfo extends TermInfo where
/-- A module and source range to use for "go to definition", to override the default. -/
location? : Option (Name × Lsp.Range) := none
/-- Text to use to override the docstring. -/
docString? : Option String := none
/-- Whether to use explicit mode when pretty printing the term on hover. -/
explicit : Bool := true

Indicates that all overloaded elaborators failed. The subtrees of a `ChoiceInfo` node are the
Expand All @@ -198,7 +207,7 @@ inductive Info where
| ofCustomInfo (i : CustomInfo)
| ofFVarAliasInfo (i : FVarAliasInfo)
| ofFieldRedeclInfo (i : FieldRedeclInfo)
| ofOmissionInfo (i : OmissionInfo)
| ofDelabTermInfo (i : DelabTermInfo)
| ofChoiceInfo (i : ChoiceInfo)
deriving Inhabited

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Lean/Meta.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import Lean.Meta.Instances
import Lean.Meta.AbstractMVars
import Lean.Meta.SynthInstance
import Lean.Meta.AppBuilder
import Lean.Meta.Sorry
import Lean.Meta.Tactic
import Lean.Meta.KAbstract
import Lean.Meta.RecursorInfo
Expand Down
61 changes: 0 additions & 61 deletions src/Lean/Meta/AppBuilder.lean
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Expand Up @@ -5,11 +5,9 @@ Authors: Leonardo de Moura
import Lean.Structure
import Lean.Util.Recognizers
import Lean.Meta.SynthInstance
import Lean.Meta.Check
import Lean.Meta.DecLevel
import Lean.Data.Lsp.Utf16

namespace Lean.Meta

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -514,65 +512,6 @@ def mkSome (type value : Expr) : MetaM Expr := do
let u ← getDecLevel type
return mkApp2 (mkConst ``Option.some [u]) type value

Returns `sorryAx type synthetic`. Recall that `synthetic` is true if this sorry is from an error.
def mkSorry (type : Expr) (synthetic : Bool) : MetaM Expr := do
let u ← getLevel type
return mkApp2 (mkConst ``sorryAx [u]) type (toExpr synthetic)

structure SorryLabelView where
module? : Option (Name × Lsp.Range) := none

def SorryLabelView.encode (view : SorryLabelView) : CoreM Name :=
let name :=
if let some (mod, range) := view.module? then
mod |>.num range.start.line |>.num range.start.character |>.num range.end.line |>.num range.end.character
mkFreshUserName (name.str "_unique_sorry")

def SorryLabelView.decode? (name : Name) : Option SorryLabelView := do
guard <| name.hasMacroScopes
let .str name "_unique_sorry" := name.eraseMacroScopes | failure
if let .num (.num (.num (.num name startLine) startChar) endLine) endChar := name then
return { module? := some (name, ⟨⟨startLine, startChar⟩, ⟨endLine, endChar⟩⟩) }

Makes a `sorryAx` that encodes the current ref into the term to support "go to definition" for the `sorry`.
If `unique` is true, the `sorry` is unique, in the sense that it is not defeq to any other `sorry` created by `mkLabeledSorry`.
def mkLabeledSorry (type : Expr) (synthetic : Bool) (unique : Bool) : MetaM Expr := do
let tag ←
if let (some pos, some endPos) := ((← getRef).getPos?, (← getRef).getTailPos?) then
let range := (← getFileMap).utf8RangeToLspRange ⟨pos, endPos⟩
SorryLabelView.encode { module? := (← getMainModule, range) }
SorryLabelView.encode {}
if unique then
let e ← mkSorry (mkForall `tag .default (mkConst ``Lean.Name) type) synthetic
return .app e (toExpr tag)
let e ← mkSorry (mkForall `tag .default (mkConst ``Unit) type) synthetic
return .app e (mkApp4 (mkConst ``Function.const [levelOne, levelOne])
(mkConst ``Unit) (mkConst ``Lean.Name) (mkConst ``Unit.unit) (toExpr tag))

Returns a `SorryLabelView` if `e` is an application of an expression returned by `mkLabeledSorry`.
def isLabeledSorry? (e : Expr) : Option SorryLabelView := do
guard <| e.isAppOf ``sorryAx && e.getAppNumArgs ≥ 3
let arg := e.getArg! 2
if let some tag := then
SorryLabelView.decode? tag
guard <| arg.isAppOfArity ``Function.const 4
guard <| arg.appFn!.appArg!.isAppOfArity ``Unit.unit 0
let some tag := arg.appArg!.name? | failure
SorryLabelView.decode? tag

/-- Return `Decidable.decide p` -/
def mkDecide (p : Expr) : MetaM Expr :=
mkAppOptM ``Decidable.decide #[p, none]
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/Lean/Meta/Check.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Authors: Leonardo de Moura
import Lean.Meta.InferType
import Lean.Meta.Sorry

This is not the Kernel type checker, but an auxiliary method for checking
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,6 +134,12 @@ where
if fn? == ``OfNat.ofNat && as.size ≥ 3 && firstImplicitDiff? == some 0 then
-- Even if there is an explicit diff, it is better to see that the type is different.
return (a.setPPNumericTypes true, b.setPPNumericTypes true)
if fn? == ``sorryAx then
-- If these are `sorry`s with differing source positions, make sure the delaborator shows the positions.
if let some { module? := moda? } := isLabeledSorry? a then
if let some { module? := modb? } := isLabeledSorry? b then
if moda? != modb? then
return (a.setOption `pp.sorrySource true, b.setOption `pp.sorrySource true)
-- General case
if let some i := firstExplicitDiff? <|> firstImplicitDiff? then
let (ai, bi) ← visit as[i]! bs[i]!
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89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions src/Lean/Meta/Sorry.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 Lean FRO, LLC. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Kyle Miller
import Lean.Data.Lsp.Utf16
import Lean.Meta.InferType
import Lean.Util.Recognizers

# Utilities for creating and recognizing `sorry`
This module

namespace Lean.Meta

Returns `sorryAx type synthetic`. Recall that `synthetic` is true if this sorry is from an error.
See also `Lean.Meta.mkLabeledSorry`, for creating a `sorry` that encodes the origin position of the `sorry`,
and which has facilities for making a `sorry` that is not defeq to any other `sorry`.
def mkSorry (type : Expr) (synthetic : Bool) : MetaM Expr := do
let u ← getLevel type
return mkApp2 (mkConst ``sorryAx [u]) type (toExpr synthetic)

structure SorryLabelView where
Records the origin module name, logical source position, and LSP range for the `sorry`.
The logical source position is used when displaying the sorry when the `pp.sorrySource` option is true,
and the LSP range is used for "go to definition".
module? : Option (Name × Position × Lsp.Range) := none

def SorryLabelView.encode (view : SorryLabelView) : CoreM Name :=
let name :=
if let some (mod, pos, range) := view.module? then
mod |>.num pos.line |>.num pos.column |>.num range.start.line |>.num range.start.character |>.num range.end.line |>.num range.end.character
mkFreshUserName (name.str "_sorry")

def SorryLabelView.decode? (name : Name) : Option SorryLabelView := do
guard <| name.hasMacroScopes
let .str name "_sorry" := name.eraseMacroScopes | failure
if let .num (.num (.num (.num (.num (.num name posLine) posCol) startLine) startChar) endLine) endChar := name then
return { module? := some (name, ⟨posLine, posCol⟩, ⟨⟨startLine, startChar⟩, ⟨endLine, endChar⟩⟩) }

Makes a `sorryAx` that encodes the current ref into the term to support "go to definition" for the `sorry`.
If `unique` is true, the `sorry` is unique, in the sense that it is not defeq to any other `sorry` created by `mkLabeledSorry`.
def mkLabeledSorry (type : Expr) (synthetic : Bool) (unique : Bool) : MetaM Expr := do
let tag ←
if let (some startPos, some endPos) := ((← getRef).getPos?, (← getRef).getTailPos?) then
let fileMap ← getFileMap
let pos := fileMap.toPosition startPos
let range := fileMap.utf8RangeToLspRange ⟨startPos, endPos⟩
SorryLabelView.encode { module? := (← getMainModule, pos, range) }
SorryLabelView.encode {}
if unique then
let e ← mkSorry (mkForall `tag .default (mkConst ``Lean.Name) type) synthetic
return .app e (toExpr tag)
let e ← mkSorry (mkForall `tag .default (mkConst ``Unit) type) synthetic
let tag' := mkApp4 (mkConst ``Function.const [levelOne, levelOne]) (mkConst ``Unit) (mkConst ``Lean.Name) (mkConst ``Unit.unit) (toExpr tag)
return .app e tag'

Returns a `SorryLabelView` if `e` is an application of an expression returned by `mkLabeledSorry`.
If it is, then the `sorry` takes the first three arguments, and the tag is at argument 3.
def isLabeledSorry? (e : Expr) : Option SorryLabelView := do
guard <| e.isAppOf ``sorryAx
let numArgs := e.getAppNumArgs
guard <| numArgs ≥ 3
let arg := e.getArg! 2
if let some tag := then
SorryLabelView.decode? tag
guard <| arg.isAppOfArity ``Function.const 4
guard <| arg.appFn!.appArg!.isAppOfArity ``Unit.unit 0
let tag ← arg.appArg!.name?
SorryLabelView.decode? tag
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Lean/Parser/Term.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ The `sorry` term is a temporary placeholder for a missing proof or value.
The syntax is intended for stubbing-out incomplete parts of a value or proof while still having a syntactically correct skeleton.
Lean will give a warning whenever a declaration uses `sorry`, so you aren't likely to miss it,
but you can double check if a declaration depends on `sorry` by looking for `sorryAx` in the output
of the `#print axioms my_thm` command, which is the axiom used by implementation of `sorry`.
of the `#print axioms my_thm` command, the axiom used by the implementation of `sorry`.
"Go to definition" on `sorry` will go to the source position where it was introduced.
Expand Down
27 changes: 18 additions & 9 deletions src/Lean/PrettyPrinter/Delaborator/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -211,6 +211,16 @@ where
stx := stx

def addDelabTermInfo (pos : Pos) (stx : Syntax) (e : Expr) (isBinder : Bool := false)
(location? : Option (Name × Lsp.Range) := none) (docString? : Option String := none) (explicit : Bool := true) : DelabM Unit := do
let info := Info.ofDelabTermInfo {
toTermInfo := ← addTermInfo.mkTermInfo stx e (isBinder := isBinder)
location? := location?
docString? := docString?
explicit := explicit
modify fun s => { s with infos := s.infos.insert pos info }

Annotates the term with the current expression position and registers `TermInfo`
to associate the term to the current expression.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -238,6 +248,13 @@ def withAnnotateTermInfo (d : Delab) : Delab := do
let stx ← d
annotateTermInfo stx

Modifies the delaborator so that it ensures resulting term is annotated using `annotateTermInfoUnlessAnnotated`.
def withAnnotateTermInfoUnlessAnnotated (d : Delab) : Delab := do
let stx ← d
annotateTermInfoUnlessAnnotated stx

Gets an name based on `suggestion` that is unused in the local context.
Erases macro scopes.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -297,22 +314,14 @@ inductive OmissionReason
| deep
| proof
| maxSteps
| uniqueSorry

def OmissionReason.toString : OmissionReason → String
| deep => "Term omitted due to its depth (see option `pp.deepTerms`)."
| proof => "Proof omitted (see option `pp.proofs`)."
| maxSteps => "Term omitted due to reaching the maximum number of steps allowed for pretty printing this expression (see option `pp.maxSteps`)."
| uniqueSorry => "This is a `sorry` term associated to a source position. Use 'Go to definition' to go there."

def addOmissionInfo (pos : Pos) (stx : Syntax) (e : Expr) (reason : OmissionReason) : DelabM Unit := do
let info := Info.ofOmissionInfo <| ← mkOmissionInfo stx e
modify fun s => { s with infos := s.infos.insert pos info }
mkOmissionInfo stx e := return {
toTermInfo := ← addTermInfo.mkTermInfo stx e (isBinder := false)
reason := reason.toString
addDelabTermInfo pos stx e (docString? := reason.toString) (explicit := true)

Runs the delaborator `act` with increased depth.
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