OAuth service configuration and handling for logging in with lea (your custom OAuth server).
This package will be automatically added by adding lea accounts via
$ meteor leaonline:accounts-lea
If you want to login in with lea your client app needs to define the ServiceConfiguration
/* global ServiceConfiguration */
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'
Meteor.startup(() => {
const { oauth } = Meteor.settings
{ service: 'lea' }, // required
$set: {
// required fields:
loginStyle: 'popup',
clientId: oauth.clientId,
secret: oauth.secret,
dialogUrl: oauth.dialogUrl,
accessTokenUrl: oauth.accessTokenUrl,
identityUrl: oauth.identityUrl,
redirectUrl: oauth.redirectUrl,
// additional fields injected into profile
// optional; these are just examples:
identity: [
// additional fields, injected into user.services.lea
// optional; these are just examples:
extraFields: [
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