About the project:
• Multi-tier web application stack (VPROFILE)
• Host & run-on AWS cloud for production
• Lift & shift strategy
Application services running on physical/virtual machines
Work load is in your datacentre.
• Complex management.
• Scale up/down complexity.
• Upfront capital expenditure & regular operations expenditure
• Manual process
• Difficult to automate
• Time consuming
Cloud computing setup
AWS Services
• EC2 instances: VM for TOMCAT, RabbitMQ, Memcached, MySQL
• ELB (Load Balancer)
• Autoscaling: Automating VM scaling
• S3/EFS Storage: Shared storage
• ROUTE 53: For private DNS Service
• IAM, ACM, EBS also used
Create key pair of instances
Create security groups – ALB_SG(Allow https from all ipv4 and ipv6) , vrofile_app_SG (allow 8080 from ALB_SG), Backend_SG(Allow all traffic from vprofile_app_SG , allow all traffic from own sg)
Create db01, mc01, rmq01 instance with centos7 ami and configure it with "vprofile-project/userdata/ mysql, memchache, rabbitmq files". All of these instances will have backend_SG attached.
Create private hosted zone, vprofile.in, in Route53. Create A records: db01.vprofile.in to private ip of db01, mc01.vprofile.in to private ip of mc01, rmq01.vprofile.in to private ip of rmq01 :
Update vprofile-project/src/main/resources/application.properties file :
Create vprofile-app instance using ubuntu 20.04, install tomcat9, from vprofile-project/userdata/tomcat_ubuntu file
Run MVN clean install in the directory where pom file located to get the artifact
Upload the artifact(vprofile-project/target/vprofile-v2.war) to s3 bucket
Create a role with s3 full access and attach the role to vprofile-app instance. Install awscli.
In vprofile-app instance remove ROOT from /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/
Stop tomcat9: (sudo systemctl stop tomcat9)
Copy the artifact vprofile-v2.war from s3 bucket to vprofile-app instance at /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/ROOT.war location
Now start tomcat9: (sudo systemctl start tomcat9)
Create AMI image from vprofile-app instance
Then create a launch template using the above AMI
Create a target group which do health check on port 8080, include vprofile-app instance into it
Then create application load balancer using above target group. Add listeners at port 443(https)
Add SSL/TLS certificate for https traffic
After load balancer created, go to dns registrar, (ex. Godaddy) create a CNAME DNS record with name vprofile and value will be load balancer dns name.
After all health checks completion you can access your vprofile application at "vprofile.yourdomain"
login with username: admin_vp and password: admin_vp
Click on Rabbitmq, if backend rmq01 instance running and configured properly then will receive msg:
Click allusers then click on any user, if you get response then db01 instance working and connected properly:
Click back button, and select same user. Now you get cached data from memcache: