This repository is demo how to instruction golang application with new-relic agent
- go to new relic website and register a license key
go get
- install new relic agent on golang
package main
import (
var (
// Making app and err a global variable
nrApp *newrelic.Application
nrErr error
func main() {
nrApp, nrErr = newrelic.NewApplication(
// Workshop > Set the values in the newrelic.Config struct from within a custom newrelic.ConfigOption
// Workshop > Name your application
// Workshop > Fill in your New Relic Ingest license key
// Workshop > Add debug logging for extra details
// If an application could not be created then err will reveal why.
if nrErr != nil {
fmt.Println("unable to start NR instrumentation - ", nrErr)
// Not necessary for monitoring a production application with a lot of data.
nrApp.WaitForConnection(5 * time.Second)
// Run a simple function
// Wait for shut down to ensure data gets flushed
nrApp.Shutdown(5 * time.Second)
func print() {
// Workshop > Monitor a Golang transaction
// Put your code here
txn := nrApp.StartTransaction("go-hello-app")
defer txn.End()
fmt.Println("Hello world! Welcome to your first instrumented Golang App!")
透過 StartTransaction 來針對要執行的 print 作 profile
當使用 ./gg lauch 啟動之後
透過 new relic 後台的 APM 內部的 Transaction 的屬性 可以看到如下圖:
Transaction 的狀況