Determines azimuth (compass direction) & distance of the second point (B) as seen from the first point (A), given latitude, longitude & elevation of two points on the Earth
Moulded from Don Cross's Azimuth/Distance Calculator
Install the module with: npm install azimuth
var calculate = require('azimuth');
lat: 18.513929,
lng: 73.924475,
elv: 561.9
}, {
lat: 18.513964,
lng: 73.924471,
elv: 562
}); // "{ distance: 3.9191090699705464, azimuth: 353.8149364508667, altitude: 1.3478271564744548 }"
To run tests
npm test
grunt nodeunit
Copyright (c) 2014 Debjeet Biswas Licensed under the MIT license.