A music app for Android 5.1 or higher:
- use local music files
- shuffle albums and all songs
- skip to next and previous possible
- notification and cover on the lockscreen
- show progress of a song
- (persistently save the current playback in case of restarting the phone)
- sort by album (only)
- show the amount of songs in an album, and the amount left to play
- show stored lyrics (within mp3 / m4a files)
- light and dark design available, with two colours (pink and teal)
- can adapt to LineageOS theme if this ROM (Android Oreo and higher) is installed and offers support for that
Known problems (To be worked on)
- Lyrics can't be added if songs are saved on external SD-Card; storage access is problematic there
- on Android Pie (some) album covers might not show up because the thumbnails disappeared from where they should be
- show stored lyrics (within mp3 / m4a files), working no longer with Android 10
- Persistence of playlist doesn't work reliably
Still under development
Feel free to submit feature suggestions in the issues!