Creating and maintaining a distribution of Linux is hard enough without operating a network of mirrors.
What if we could combine the convenience of downloading large files via http in the web browser, with the scalability and efficiency of torrenting? This website serves as a demo for downloading Linux ISOs via WebTorrent, entirely on a static site.
That means that the more people that use this website, and the more distros that integrate WebTorrent for distribution of their installation media, the faster it gets for everyone! If you maintain a version of Linux, it's easier than ever to distribute your installation media peer-to-peer, no mirror network required.
Awesome! Consider becoming a WebTorrent seedbox that hosts this content. You can either use the Linux Exchange website itself, or run a Linux Exchange WebTorrent Seedbox.
If you have thoughts about enhancing the code, design, or backend automation (currently trying out Github Actions) of this website, I'd be happy to review Pull Requests. The magic of WebTorrent is, you can fork this code and publish your own version... They'll still talk to each other, regardless of domain!
Feel free to take a look at the source and adapt as you please. This source is licensed as follows:
Linux Exchange is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.