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OpenVPN Installer for Linux


Having your own OpenVPN service is very important these days but setting one up can be very tedious!

This script will setup a secure OpenVPN server on Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, Fedora and Arch Linux at home or on a VPS.

It is recommended to use the default encryption settings and only change port, protocol, DNS resolver and domain settings.


  • Installs and configures a secure OpenVPN server on
  • Automatic setup of firewall rules using iptables
  • Has many customization options
  • Ability to define a FQDN with OpenVPN
  • Includes silent and CLI install
  • Includes silent and CLI management (“sudo lmovpn”):
    • Add a new client
    • List active clients
    • Revoke existing client
    • Debug OpenVPN using journalctl
    • Restart OpenVPN service
    • Uninstall OpenVPN


  • Amin Babaeipanah


  • No IPv6 support


  • 3.1.0 2023-08-15:
    • Enabled epel for Oracle Linux
    • Added retry to curl when getting WANIP
    • Added --no-same-owner when extracting easy-rsa
    • Added dns lookup if icanhazip fails
    • Added support for CentOS 9
    • Changed easyrsa from 3.0.7 to 3.1.2 with minor fixes
    • Removed unnecessary removal of hardcoded ciphers on Fedora
    • Fixed OpenVPN Uninstall option having wrong text
    • Fixed OpenVPN Uninstall option only supporting Ubuntu
  • 3.05 2021-09-04:
    • Added compatibility with AlmaLinux 8
    • Added compatibility with Rocky Linux 8
    • Added compatibility with Oracle Linux 8
    • Fixed compatibility with RHEL and EPEL
    • Minor improvements
  • 3.04 2021-01-13:
    • Increased sysctl priority
    • Fixed adguard IPs
    • Fixed key-direction from tls-crypt
  • 3.03:
    • Fixed OpenVPN service path
    • Minor fix for OpenVPN Uninstall function
  • 3.02:
    • Fixed self-delete
  • 3.01:
    • Minor improvements
    • Minor bugfixes
  • 3.00:
    • Complete rewrite
    • Added CLI support with setup customization
    • Added silent install with setup customization
  • 2.00:
    • Added multi distro support
    • Minor improvements
  • 1.58:
    • Added auth-nocache to stop password caching of OpenVPN
    • Changed deprecated ns-cert-type to --remote-cert-tls
    • Removed unnecessary echo command
  • 1.57:
    • Minor bugfix
  • 1.56:
    • Firewall fix
  • 1.55:
    • KEY_NAME will have the same name as client
    • KEY_CN will have the same name as client
    • Added gateway detection. if not found, google dns will be used
    • Automated key generation for both server and user
    • Added OpenVPN restart after revoking a license
    • Fixed “’link-mtu’ is used inconsistently” warning message
  • 1.54:
    • Changed RSA to 2048
    • Added tls-auth and SHA256
    • Fixed lmvpnd not revoking lics
    • Fixed netCard variable
    • Updated Windows client URL


Download it using curl and make it executable:

curl -Ls -O ~/openvpn-installer
chmod +x ~/openvpn-installer

OR download it using wget and make it executable:

wget -O ~/openvpn-installer
chmod +x ~/openvpn-installer

Run it and follow the onscreen instructions:

cd ~/ && sudo ./openvpn-installer

After installation is done, use “sudo lmovpn” to add new clients and manage your OpenVPN server.

Silent Install

You can also run this script silently with default options. The silent option will use the best encryption settings.

SILENT=y sudo -E ./openvpn-installer

Silent install will use the options below:

  • Port 1194
  • UDP protocol
  • Google DNS resolver
  • no compression
  • AES-256-GCM cipher for data channel
  • ECDSA certificate with prime256v1 curve
  • TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-128-GCM-SHA256 cipher for control channel
  • ECDH for Diffie-Hellman key with prime256v1 curve
  • SHA-256 for digest algorithm
  • tls-crypt for additional security

Here are some examples if you want to install silently with custom options:

#change PORT to 2432 and PROTOCOL to tcp
SILENT=y PORT=2432 PROTOCOL=tcp sudo -E ./openvpn-installer

#change PORT to 23423, PROTOCOL to tcp and DNS_TYPE to Cloudflare
SILENT=y PORT=23423 DNS_TYPE=2 sudo -E ./openvpn-installer

#since RSA_TYPE and CONTROLCIPHER_TYPE are not defined,
#default 2048 bits will be used for RSA_TYPE
SILENT=y DATACIPHER_TYPE=4 CERT_TYPE=2 sudo -E ./openvpn-installer

Silent Install Switches

  • SILENT=[y|n]
  • PORT=[1-65535]
  • PROTOCOL=[tcp|udp]
    • udp (default)
    • tcp
  • DNS_TYPE=[1-11]
    • 1 = Google (global) (default)
    • 2 = Cloudflare (global)
    • 3 = AdGuard DNS (global)
    • 4 = OpenDNS (global)
    • 5 = Quad9 (global)
    • 6 = Quad9 uncensored (global)
    • 7 = NextDNS (global)
    • 8 = FDN (France)
    • 9 = DNS.WATCH (Germany)
    • 10 = Yandex Basic (Russia)
    • 11 = Current system resolvers in /etc/resolv.conf
    • n = No Compression (default)
    • y = With Compression (not recommended)
      • COMPRESSION_TYPE=[1-3]
        • 1 = lz4-v2 (default)
        • 2 = lz4
        • 3 = lzo
    • 1 = AES-256-GCM (default)
    • 2 = AES-192-GCM
    • 3 = AES-128-GCM
    • 4 = AES-256-CBC
    • 5 = AES-192-CBC
    • 6 = AES-128-CBC
  • CERT_TYPE=[1-2]
    • 1 = ECDSA (default)
      • CURVE_TYPE=[1-3]
        • 1 = prime256v1 (default)
        • 2 = secp384r1
        • 3 = secp521r1
        • 1 = TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-128-GCM-SHA256 (default)
        • 2 = TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384
    • 2 = RSA
      • RSA_TYPE=[1-3]
        • 1 = 2048 bits (default)
        • 2 = 3072 bits
        • 3 = 4096 bits
        • 1 = TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-GCM-SHA256 (default)
        • 2 = TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384
  • DH_TYPE=[1-2]
    • 1 = ECDH
      • DHCURVE_TYPE = [1-3]
        • 1 = prime256v1 (default)
        • 2 = secp384r1
        • 3 = secp521r1
    • 2 = DH
      • DHSIZE_TYPE = [1-3]
        • 1 = 2048 bits (default)
        • 2 = 3072 bits
        • 3 = 4096 bits
  • HMAC_TYPE[1-3]
    • 1 = SHA-256 (default)
    • 2 = SHA-384
    • 3 = SHA-512
  • TLS_TYPE[1-2]
    • 1 = tls-crypt (default)
    • 2 = tls-auth

Silent Management

You can also perform management options silently while using lmovpn. Here are some examples:

#add a new client
MENU=1 CLIENT=amin PASS=n sudo -E lmovpn

#add multiple clients
USERS=(desktop laptop mobile)
for i in ${USERS[@]};do
   MENU=1 CLIENT=$i PASS=n sudo -E lmovpn

#restart OpenVPN server
MENU=5 sudo -E lmovpn


  • Alma Linux 8
  • Amazon Linux 2
  • Arch Linux
  • CentOS 7
  • CentOS >= 8
  • Devian >= 10
  • Fedora >= 35
  • Oracle Linux 8
  • Rocky Linux 8
  • Ubuntu >= 18.04