This project uses an Arduino board connected to some sensor to provide telemetry data from a kayak via Xbee radio transmitter.
This project was created with the following components:
- Polar Heart Rate Monitor Interface;
- RedBoard Programmed with Arduino;
- GPS Shield Retail Kit;
- XBee Wireless Kit Retail;
- Digital IMU Breakout IMU3000;
This project has as main purpose to help instructors and doctors monitor para-athetles in kayaks when they are practicing kayaking.
Data to be captured are:
- Boat inclination in the x, y, z axes;
- Heart rate data obtained through the Polar tape;
- Acceleration, speed, inclination, location and trajectory through GPS;
- All data is sent via Xbee radio transmitter to the computer with Xbee receptor in the ground (not inside the kayak);