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yools - tools for Yul

Yools is [so far] an experimental symbolic execution engine for Yul. It translates Yul programs into sets of SMT constraints and queries an SMT solver to detect reachability of a certain program state. Currently the only user facing approach is to detect whether a program may revert or not.

What's supported


Yul's entire syntax is supported, but not all EVM builtin functions are. The SMT encoding follows the usual BMC-style unrolling of loops up to a certain constant bound which can be chosen by the user. This means that results are not always sound in the presence of loops, and in such case results are always under the assumption that loops do not iterate over the given bound.


Currently there is one subcommand symbolic which contains the available features.

$ yools symbolic --help
Symbolically execute Yul programs checking for revert reachability

    yools symbolic [OPTIONS] --input <FILE.yul>

    -h, --help                         Print help information
    -i, --input <FILE.yul>             Yul source file
    -l, --loop-unroll <LOOP_UNROLL>    Loop unrolling limit [default: 10]
    -s, --solver <SOLVER>              SMT solver [default: cvc5]

Toy example:

// switch.yul
	let t := 0
	switch calldataload(0)
	case 0 { t := add(t, 10) }
	case 1 { t := add(t, 10) }
	case 2 { t := add(t, 10) }
	default { t := add(t, 10) }

	if iszero(eq(t, 10)) { revert(0, 0) }
$ yools symbolic -i switch.yul
All reverts are unreachable.

Why this

Most Formal Verification tools for Ethereum smart contracts focus on EVM bytecode, understandably. A few others target Solidity source code. Verifying Yul instead has some particular advantages over the 2 approaches:

  • Writing and maintaining a tool for Yul is much easier than Solidity due to the high level and complex types and language changes. The Yul to EVM compiler is also much simpler, so much less trust is required in the compiler.
  • Yul has a lot more structured information than EVM bytecode, such as functions, loops, ifs, switches, structured storage access for state variables, structured ABI encoding/decoding and much more. This makes it much easier to reason about the code and prove/disprove statements. Tools that reason about bytecode try to infer and lift all this information up from the bytecode to a higher level, but this process is not always successful and requires extra effort.

Of course the approach used here also has disadvantages over the 2:

  • Solidity has even more structured information and thus can be used to find contract invariants more easily, for example.
  • Analysing bytecode means there is no compiler involved from that point to deployment, so what you verify is what's deployed.

All approaches are valuable and can/should be used together.


Please check the open issues to see what features are still not supported or are planned.


One of the goals of this project is to allow for highly customizable semantics when generating the SMT constraints that represent the program. For example, there are different ways to represent calldata, memory, and storage symbolically. It is hard to tell in advance which might be better, and ultimately that can be also highly dependent on the analyzed Yul program as well. It is important to experiment with different approaches, and this is what we want to achieve.

A few potential directions are given below:

Calldata/Memory/Storage encoding

There are many different ways one may want to encode these memory regions symbolically. For example, storage is often encoded as an SMT Array from BV256 to BV256, which is convenient given that SLOAD and STORE always handle entire words. Memory, however, requires different handling due to single bytes being read/written. We would like to eventually experiment with different approaches to encode the 3 memory regions.

Function/loop summaries


ABI encoding/decoding abstraction




State variable abstraction


Revert data abstraction


External calls



If you're interested in contributing please reach out! There are lots of exciting thing to do in different levels of Rust/SMT/Yul.