Chvátal's Conjecture states that there can exist no intersecting family in a downset that has more elements than a maximal-sized star. A collection of work on the subject is available on Chvátal's Website. We present a computational framework that is able to prove the conjecture for ground sets of seven or fewer elements.
Leon Eifler, Ambros Gleixner, and Jonad Pulaj: A Safe Computational Framework for Integer Programming applied to Chvátal's Conjecture. Preprint.
This repository provides:
- MPS and ZIMPL files that model the Integer Programs described in the paper.
- Certificate files that show the correctness of the computational proofs
- Links to external software
- An input-checker written in Coq.
Exact SCIP is the exact rational variant of SCIP. A version that supports automatic certificate generation is available on the SCIP website. It interfaces QSopt_Ex as an exact rational LP solver. There is a small patch-file in this repository to enable correct printing of certificates in QSopt_Ex. The correctness of exact SCIP can be verified using VIPR, an independant certificate format for integer programming results.
This small program written with the Coq proof assistant checks the input for certain VIPR certificate files that certify correctness for Chàtal's Conjecture for small ground sets, as proposed in
This repository contains source code, several compilation scripts, as well as some example certificate files.
This program needs a working installation of coq. It uses the library which can be installed with opam via
opam repo add coq-released
opam install -j4 -v coq-io-system
To create the Makefile simply run:
Then run
make && ./
to create the executable binary that does the typechecking. If you run the binary it will ask you for the filename of a vipr-file that should be checked, as well as the size of the groundset as input.
Use the python-script
on a vipr file to rename the variables so that the order is correct. This does not change the validity of the VIPR certificate.