Basic use of the MPU6050 IMU with an ESP8266
- Grabs raw data from the the MPU6050
- Calibrates avarage flutter rates of each axis
- Calibrates RATIOED flutter rates for each axis. Accelerometer ratios are (+/-)0 to 100 and Gyro are (+/-)0 to sqrt(maxSenseValue)
- Calibrates filters for each access to filter out noise and make output smoother
- Outputs Ax,Ay,Az,Gx,Gy,Gz to the plotter using above calibrations
- Grabs raw data from the the MPU6050
- Calibrates avarage flutter rates of each axis
- Calibrates RATIOED flutter rates for each axis
- Calibrates filters for each access to filter out noise and make output smoother
- Calculates ANGLES traveled by integrating Gyro data
- Keeps Track of the current angular position of each axis
- Outputs Gx,Gy,Gz Tracked angular data to the plotter using above calibrations
- All of the above compiled into an easy to use C++ CLass
Create the object
mpu6050imu imuDevice;
Configure your ESP8266 Pin settings
imuDevice.i2cDataPIN = D1;
imuDevice.i2cClockPIN = D2;
Configure what ranges you want to use for the Accelerometer and the gyro or leave as 0 to default. To see details of this check out the regster map on .
imuDevice.currentGyroRange = 0;
imuDevice.currentAccellRange = 0;
Init the device:
Calibrate the sensor (make sure its in stil position not moving, not being vibrated or bumped). Calibrartion works out YOUR sensors noise rate at YOUR sensonrs current boot up & temperature. If you want to see output mesages from calibration make sure you set up your Serial.begin
OPTIONALY: Set the acceleration & gyro trackign ranges
//X Axis index 0
Set min tracking output for Accelerometer to 0
Set max tracking output for Accelerometer to 100
Set min tracking output for Gyro to 0
Set max tracking output for Gyro to 100
To read tracked angular data simply loop this:
imuDevice.integration(360, 100);
Serial.printf("\r\n%f\t%f\t%f", imuDevice.rangedAngularData[0], imuDevice.rangedAngularData[1], imuDevice.rangedAngularData[2]);