If you have a feature request please read CONTRIBUTING.md
This is most of the source-code you can find deployed on letsmeet.click except for the theme and obviously our production settings 😉
We developed the first version of letsmeet.click at #32c3 in Hamburg. The plan for future features is here: https://github.com/letsmeet-click/meta/blob/master/plan.md
letsmeet.click is a rather complex system esp. thanks to requiring PostGIS. To make development easier it is highly recommended to use Docker in combination with Docker-Compose to get up and running in finite amount of time:
docker-compose build
docker-compose run --rm web reset_db
docker-compose run --rm web migrate
docker-compose run --rm web createsuperuser
docker-compose up -d
Then head here to test your installation.
Use docker-compose logs
for your debugging needs.
In order to make the test setup easier, you can also execute them within the Docker container:
docker-compose exec web tox
Mostly for us so that we don't forget 😊
# database
docker run -d --restart=always -v /var/lib/postgres --name letsmeet-db mdillon/postgis:9.4
# home
docker run -d --name letsmeet-data aexea/aexea-base
# main image
docker build --tag=letsmeet-prod .
# reset database on first run
docker run --rm -ti --volumes-from letsmeet-data -v `pwd`/letsmeet/letsmeet/settings/production.py:/opt/code/letsmeet/letsmeet/settings/production.py --link letsmeet-db:db -e DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=letsmeet.settings.production --entrypoint python3 letsmeet-prod manage.py reset_db
docker run --rm -ti --volumes-from letsmeet-data -v `pwd`/letsmeet/letsmeet/settings/production.py:/opt/code/letsmeet/letsmeet/settings/production.py --link letsmeet-db:db -e DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=letsmeet.settings.production --entrypoint python3 letsmeet-prod manage.py migrate
docker run --rm -ti --volumes-from letsmeet-data -v `pwd`/letsmeet/letsmeet/settings/production.py:/opt/code/letsmeet/letsmeet/settings/production.py --link letsmeet-db:db -e DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=letsmeet.settings.production --entrypoint python3 letsmeet-prod manage.py createsuperuser
# rebuild, update