Django REST API for creating/maintaining a personal budget.
See for the React web app.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Clone this repository.
git clone
Copy the sample config file for development to a dev.env
cp dev.sample.env dev.env
Start the development server with Docker Compose.
docker-compose up
Access the browsable API in your browser at http://localhost:8000.
Clone this repository.
git clone
Copy the sample config file for production to a production.env
cp prod.sample.env production.env
Update production.env
settings, including SECRET_KEY
, database credentials, known host settings, and CORS settings, according to your environment. See sample .env
files for examples.
Start the development server with Docker Compose.
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f production.yml up
Most endpoints require authentication. To create a user via the browsable API, use the /users/register/
endpoint. You can log in with the credentials you create there. If log in via the browsable API, you will need to clear your browser's cookies before you will be able to log in via the React app.
- Python - The language used
- Django - The web framework and ORM
- Django REST - REST API framework for Django
- PostgreSQL - The database
- Docker - Containerization engine
- Docker Compose - Deployment tool
- Website design inspired by YNAB.