This is a repository containing information related to my paper.
RAC_simulation.cpp is a simulation of Recent Average Credit (RAC) build-up over time.
Paper Notebook (game simulations).ipynb is a Jupyter notebook with the code used to make the images of a sample single-machine ER, a visualization of the linear regression approach to approximating the network-wide ER, and a visualization of a more general case of a set of machines with ERs of different slopes. Additionally, the second half of the notebook contains a simulation of crunchers in a strategic environment where each cruncher tries to maximize their payoff based on the previous round's ER.
Paper Notebook (ER calculation).ipynb contains an approximation of the network-wide ER based on currently available data that was scraped from BOINC servers, with the data contained in ConvergedStats (Nov 28 2021).csv.