This is a small demo web application writen in python with the amazing Plotly Dash. The app uses pymongo and pandas to integrate with a mongodb data base running on the same machine. the Dash is used as a web framework, the main component is the DataTable.
First create a virtual environment with conda or venv inside a temp folder, then activate it.
virtualenv venv
# Windows
# Or Linux
source venv/bin/activate
Clone the git repo, then install the requirements with pip
git clone
the requirements need to be updated.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Setup the mongodb with a collection like in the example_project_json.json.
Make sure the db name is projects_db and the collection name is ProjectsCollection.
Or change the db and collection name to anything you like,
just make sure to change it also in the layout function.
If you wish to use you own collection you may, but you will have to make some changes,
mainly in the Add modal that adds a new object to the db.
see the - submit_new_project function in
Run the app
default Username and Password is 'root' and 'root'
This is an interactive, multi-page app.