The worlds first (and hopefully last) micro web server implementation. A web server in all of ~100 lines of bash.
Below is some commentary on what the software is, what you should do with it, and what you shouldn't.
Bash-httpd is a micro web server written in bash, the GNU bourne shell replacement.
It doesn't have any features that aren't in a million other web servers, and is ridiculously slow. But isn't the idea cool? :)
The sole script in this repository is versioned.
You shouldn't. Let me repeat that -- you should *not* use this code in any sort of production environment. If you want a web server, use something else, ie. Apache. See the next question.
Because it's not secure, relatively slow, probably doesn't comply with any of the HTTP specs, and is feature-poor.
foo@bar:~$ git clone
foo@bar:~$ sudo ln -s /path/to/bash-httpd/ /usr/local/bin/bash-httpd
foo@bar:~$ mkdir www // put your files in this directory
Then edit the config variables at the beginning of the script to suit your environment. You may need to insert a line for it in /etc/inetd.conf, running as nobody. You probably also want to wrap the port.
If you're not root, get ahold of Netcat, preferably compile it with -DGAPING_SECURITY_HOLE (because it *is* a gaping security hole), and run:
foo@bar:~$ (while true; do nc -l -p 8080 -e bash-httpd; done)&
or the like. If you don't understand any part of these instructions, you probably shouldn't be running it. If any harm comes to you or your computer because you ran this software, don't blame me: I don't recommend that *anyone* run it.
You're welcome. :)