Build and Tested Environment
- Processor: Intel® Core™ i9-8950HK CPU @ 2.90GHz × 12
- Memory: 32GB
- Graphics: NVIDIA Corporation GP104BM [GeForce GTX 1080 Mobile]
- OS: Linux/Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
Update app version info in Project settings
- 2.0.0 -> 2.0.1
Upgrade Unity editor version
- 2020.2.7f1
Update package version
- Core RP Library: 10.3.1 -> 10.3.2
Apply pose of Joint(SDF) when apply anchor position for articulation body
Update Dynamic parameters for physics
- solver Iterations: 10
- solver velocity iteration: 5
Changes in Motor module
- change to retrieving motor velocity using jointPosition
- remove getting averaged joint velocity
(GUI) Print error meessage on simulation display during SDF parsing
Add protection code in Lidar Data generation
Parameter name changed in ImportJoint Method
refactoring for SDF sensor ray range element
Change GUI properties
Bug fix
Bug fix in Lidar Sensor device
- Set sensor position and rotation for lidar
- fix rotation for lidar visualization
- Set sensor position and rotation for lidar
Fix in Motor module
- set false in rapid direction control after stop
Bug Fix in Lidar Sensor device
- calculate angle step
- deg to rad for vertical angle
Version matching for this release
- samples_resource: v1.0.3
- sim_device: dashing-1.10.2
- cloisim_ros: foxy-2.5.0
For binary release version, just run './' script after extract compressed file.