Build Environment
Linux & Windows
- Processor: AMD® Ryzen 9 3900x 12-core processor × 24
- Memory: 62.7 GiB
- Graphics: NVIDIA Corporation [GeForce RTX 3090]
- OS: Linux/Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS (64-bit)
- General: Upgrade Unity editor version -> 2020.3.27f1 (LTS)
- General: Change Graphic settings -> Turn Off bill board face camera position
- General: Upgrade plugin libraries -> NetMQ( ->
- SDF.Implement.Visual: Change default shader, URP/Lit -> URP/Simple Lit
- SDF.Implement: Set intertia tensor automatically by calling ResetInertiaTensor() if inertial.inertia element is empty
- CLOiSimPlugin: Change topic_name whether to add parts_name in prefix by new attribute(add_parts_name_prefix='true')
- CLOiSimPlugin: Add new plugin -> ImuPlugin
- CLOiSimPlugin: Modify RealsensePlugin Support IMU sensor in Realsense like D455 sensor
- General: Change default model root directories for editor mode in MainScene.unity
- General: Modify Log print when model/world is loaded
- General: Remove yield return WaitOfEndFrame() after add model from model list
- General: Set default application setting
- QualitySettings.vSyncCount = 0
- Application.targetFrameRate = 60
- OnDemandRendering.renderFrameInaterval = 1
- UI: Change scroll properties for AddModel UI List in MainScene.unity
- UI: Block or Unblock CameraWheelControl as addModel List is opend or not
- UI: Add protection to avoid null object accessing in TransformGizmo
- UI: Modify MakeImmovableBodyTransformSelected() method to handle a rigidbody also.
- UI: modify condition for MakeImmovableBodyTransformSelected() in gizmo transform -> distinguish props and static object
- UI: Protected deploying Model twice by double-click
- SDF.Implement.Visual: Modify SpeedTree8 shader for Tree visual object -> Set Billboard option
- SensorDevice: Add protection code in MicomSensor -> null object accessing
- SensorDevice: Set multisample antialiasing level for RTHandle in Camera/Lidar
Bug fix
- General: Important! disable managed stripping level in ProjectSettings
- General: Add protection code to check if SimulationService is started
- General: Change sequeunce of calling GetComponents() for UI
- SensorDevice: Fix Copy length in handling Laser Data
- SensorDevice: Bug fix wrong vertical laser samples if vertical element with 1 samples in sensor/ray/scan exists.
- CLOiSimPlugins: Fix TF info for axis of joint
What's Changed
- CLOiSim-2.7.5: Squash merge 'main-to-develop(merged from develop)' into main by @hyunseok-yang in #205
Full Changelog: 2.7.4...2.7.5
Version matching for this release
- samples_resource: v1.7.0
- cloisim_ros: foxy-2.12.2
- cloi_common_interfaces: foxy-2.0.0
- cloi_resources: cloi_resources - 2.5 <- Currently only for private member
- world_resources_yangjae_city: world_resources(yangjae city) - 1.0 <- Currently only for private member
For binary release version, just run './' script after extract compressed file.