A single threaded, non blocking Websocket server for WoT mods which makes use of the async
/ await
Continuation and binary frames are not supported.
The server has a peer dependency on WoT Async Server and WoT Async.
The server should only ever be run on localhost.
from debug_utils import LOG_NOTE
from mod_async import async_task, delay
from mod_async_server import Server
from mod_websocket_server import websocket_protocol
def echo_protocol(server, message_stream):
host, port = message_stream.peer_addr
LOG_NOTE("[{host}]:{port} connected".format(host=host, port=port))
# run until the client closes the connection.
# the connection will be closed automatically when this function exits.
# when the connection gets closed by the peer,
# stream.receive_message and stream.send_message will raise a StreamClosed exception.
while True:
# wait until we receive a message.
message = yield message_stream.receive_message()
"Received message from [{host}]:{port}: {message}".format(
host=host, port=port, message=message
# echo the data back to client, wait until everything has been sent.
yield message_stream.send_message(message)
# server closed or peer disconnected.
LOG_NOTE("[{host}]:{port} disconnected".format(host=host, port=port))
def serve_forever():
# open server on localhost:4000 using the `echo_protocol` for serving individual connections.
with Server(echo_protocol, 4000) as server:
# serve forever, serve once per frame.
while not server.closed:
# delay next loop iteration into the next frame.
yield delay(0)
# start serving, does not block the current thread.