XFEL accelerator tuning competition.
git clone git@gitlab.com:lambda-hse/mlhep-2020-fel-competition.git fel
cd fel
pip install -e .
This package can be easily updated via git pull
(due to -e
pip install git+https://gitlab.com/lambda-hse/mlhep-2020-fel-competition.git
import numpy as np
from fel import SASE, random_beam, random_geometry
hidden_rng = np.random.RandomState(1111)
sase = SASE(random_beam(hidden_rng), random_geometry(hidden_rng))
epsilon = 1e-12
objective = lambda x: np.log(1e-3) - np.log(sase.rho_int(x) + epsilon)
bounds = np.stack([
-2 * np.ones(sase.ndim()),
2 * np.ones(sase.ndim())
], axis=1)
x0 = np.zeros(sase.ndim())