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Aidan Sawyer edited this page Nov 1, 2016 · 2 revisions

Translation/Conversion and Loss

Conversions between metadata, like translations between other human languages, can have varying degrees of effectiveness unidirectionally and bidirectionally.

Certain 'source' terms (such as the German word 'Schwarmerei') are untranslatable, and do not have a singular equivalent in a given target language - it doesn't 'fit' so to speak.

There are other terms which can be translated into a given target, but which may not be able to be translated back without a certain amount of loss (periwinkle->blue).

'Loss'-less vs. 'Fit'-ness

Certain conversions, going from a high degree of specificity and precision, can 'fit' into a new, less precise/rigid standard while taking a minimal minor hit to the level of precision (some information is lost).

Translations from other metadata sources to dublin core are often therefore 'fitting' but 'lossy'. This is a major complicating factor into why conversions should be made into the dublin core, but not necessarily out of or from it.

Dublin Core

  • extensible, abstract, interoperable
  • great for "document-like" objects