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Version 0.2 (draft)

Xoppa edited this page Feb 15, 2015 · 13 revisions

Changes compared to version 0.1: focuses solely on better animation support.

  • Node animations are separated in keyframes per component.

The G3DB and G3DJ file format, version 0.2

	"version": [<majorversion>, <minorversion>]
	(, "meshes": [(<mesh> (, <mesh>)*)?])?
	(, "materials": [(<material> (, <material>)*)?])?
	(, "nodes": [(<node> (, <node>)*)?])?
	(, "animations": [(<animation> (, <animation>)*)?])?

<majorversion>: integer // always 0

<minorversion>: integer // always 2

	"attributes": [<atribute> (, <attribute>)*],
	"vertices": [(<vertex> (, <vertex>)*)?],	// amount = <vertexcount>
	"parts": [(<meshpart> (, <meshpart>)*)?]


<vertex>: (<float> (, <float>)*) // amount = <vertexsize>

	"id":	<meshpartid>,
	"type":	<primitivetype>,
	"indices": [(<index> (, <index>)*)?]

<meshpartid>: string // unique for all meshparts within the file


<index>: integer // 0 <= <index> < <vertexcount>

	"id": <materialid>
	(, "diffuse": <rgb>)?
	(, "ambient": <rgb>)?
	(, "emissive": <rgb>)?
	(, "specular": <rgb>)?
	(, "reflection": <rgb>)?
	(, "shininess": <float>)?
	(, "opacity": <float>)?
	(, "textures": [(<texture> (, <texture>)*)?])?

<materialid>: string // unique for all materials within the file

<rgb>: [<float>, <float>, <float>]

	"id": <textureid>,
	"filename": <string>,
	"type": <texturetype>
	(, "uvTranslation": [<float>, <float>])?
	(, "uvScaling": [<float>, <float>])?

<textureid>: string // unique for each texture-file


	"id": <nodeid>
	(, "translation": <xyz>)?
	(, "rotation": <quaternion>)?
	(, "scale": <xyz>)?
	(, "mesh": <string>)? // DEPRECATED
	(, "parts": [(<nodepart> (, <nodepart>)*)?])?
	(, "children": [(<node> (, <node>)*)?])?

<nodeid>: string // unique for each node

<xyz>: [<float>, <float>, <float>]

<quaternion>: [<float>, <float>, <float>, <float>]

	"meshpartid": <meshpartid>,
	"materialid": <materialid>
	(, "bones": [(<bone> (, <bone>)*)?])?
	(, "uvMapping": [(<uvmapping> (, <uvmapping>)*)?])?

	"node": <nodeid>,
	(, "translation": <xyz>)?
	(, "rotation": <quaternion>)?
	(, "scale": <xyz>)?

<uvmapping>: [(<integer> (, <integer>)*)?])?

	"id": <animationid>
	(, "bones": [(<nodeanimation> (, <nodeanimation>)*)?])?

	"boneId": <nodeid>
	(, "translation": [(<keyframe3> (, <keyframe3>)*)?])
	(, "rotation": [(<keyframe4> (, <keyframe4>)*)?])
	(, "scaling": [(<keyframe3> (, <keyframe3>)*)?])

	("keytime": <float>) // may be omitted in which case 0 is assumed
	(, "value": <xyz>) // may be omitted in which case the node default is used

	("keytime": <float>) // may be omitted in which case 0 is assumed
	(, "value": <quaternion>) // may be omitted in which case the node default is used
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