A library for games, created using .NET Core 7.0 with MAUI (Blazor)!
- MAUI (Blazor) on .NET Core 7.0
- CsvHelper
- HtmlAgilityPack
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebView.Maui
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Debug
- Microsoft.Maui.Graphics
- Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Win2D.WinUI.Desktop
- Microsoft.Windows.SDK.BuildTools
- Microsoft.WindowsAppSDK
- MmogaNet is coming
- Pricing (If game is found)
- MudBlazor!
- For the new design, simply everything from buttons to select's
- Newtonsoft.Json
- RawgNet
- Where the game data comes from
- System.Data.SQLite
- Html2Canvas JS (removed until I decide how to implement the print thing)
- To use the print feature, nothing else is working besides some old JavaScript
- A external library of your games, with images, genre etc.
- Login or register a account (everything locally in sqlite!) to comment and have different games/genre visible per user
- Add games with (name, description, picture (GIF's work), path to executeable and one or more genre)
- Edit and delete games
- Add games using .csv file import
- Recover games that you deleted from the trashcan or delete them completely
- Start games
- Favorize them
- Give them one or more genres
- Rate them using stars (1-5) and write a text for the rating
- Estimated prices, images and metacritic-values are visible (if game was found)
- The prices are not accurate and may be wrong, should be more accurate with MmogaNet
- The metacritic-values and pictures are directly from rawg
- Add, edit and delete genre
- Add genre using .csv file import
1 Download the project files 2 Open the BlazorLibrary.sln file 3 Download the nuget packages 4 Start or build the project
You have to download the whole project, MAUI and visual studio are not able to produce a good exportable build right now yet
- dotnet publish -f net7.0-windows10.0.19041.0 -c Release -p:WindowsPackageType=None
I created this on windows 10 and tested it on other windows 10 machines, I cant guarantee anything for other operating systems or versions.
You can apply (get a key) here: https://rawg.io/apidocs
- For now, look in the "ApplicationSettingsFile.json" file, under "rawgapikey", just paste it in the brackets, and it should work.
- Working on a userfriendly way
Software: BlazorLibrary
License: GNU General Public License v3.0
Licensor: Kim Mario Liebl
- Internal cleaning and code reduction
- Import data from various sources, like databases etc.
- Better price querying MmogaNet
- Reintroduce the print feature but better
- Maybe get the To-Do's directly of GitHub?
- Export the games, genres or everything
- Language files, to change language
- Integrate platforms like steam and such