Welcome to classification for fake news.
An end to end Machine learning pipeline that will:
- Ingest raw text data.
- Process the raw text data into paragraph vectors
- Apply trained supervised learning classifiers to the paragraph vectors to label the original text as
- Compare different methods for word embedding applications used today
- Use neural embedding implementations like
on both for- word vectorization and for
- paragraph vectorization
- Hyper-tune neural embedding algorithms as part of an end-to-end pipeline
- Use standard industry classifiers and integrate them with the end-to-end pipeline
- Troubleshoot multi stage Machine Learning pipelines
- Classifier applications to fake news text.
- Embedding code is prepared in advance for students so they can focus on applying classifier fundamentals.
- Attention will be given to metrics (precision, recall, F1), and model selection
- What Word2Vec is and what Paragraph2vec is
- Reviews historical strategies and why word2vec works better
- TF IDF (brief for history)
- Keyword presence VSM (brief for history)
- Neural embeddings (mainline)
- Lab sessions students focus on implementing Gensim
Focus on putting together the complete pipeline
- Strategies for hypertuning
- Grid search vs automated search (not too deep)
- How to prioritise your time with searching
- which parameters are important and what their impact is in typical classifiers
- Troubleshooting
- Managing and preparing imbalanced data sets
- Information leakage and hold out for Test as well as Validation
- Develop an end to end pipeline that accomplishes the 3 tasks in the "Structure" section.
- Capture the results in a jupyter notebook, including
- Data exploration, feature manipulation other EDA
- Execution of the pipeline
- An articulation of tactics used in achieving final performance metrics
- Final performance metric results