Data to test with light-curve
feature extraction codes
Data format is CSV files, mandatory columns are time,band,mag,magerr
or time,band,flux,fluxerr
Any other columns may exist
Folder content:
- `RRLyrae/light-curves' contains SDSS Stride 82 light curves of RR Lyrae stars, described by Sesar et al. (2010), data are from Vizier
contains ZTF light curves of SN Ia of the Bright Transient Survey (BTS), light-curve data are from ANTARES brokerfrom-issues
contains non-trivial test data needed to reproduce past, current (and we hope future) issues. The paths follow this notation:{repository-name}-{issue-number}/filename.csv
, for examplelight-curve-3/640202200001881.csv