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EUDGC Signer SIGN_KEY_ID from Public Key

PoC to create an european valid vaccination "certificate" QR codes with european standards open sources codes and librairy


recreate a valid EU Covid Vaccination QRcode it's forbiden. It's for purposes educational & researchers Only. this script are developed with spirit to find vulnerability for advice the dev-team.

2021 last exercice The QRcode is signed with a private key to certify its authenticity, so except if you found a way to get it (which is nearly impossible). Your QRcode will be Generated and Decoded with your personal details BUT marked as invalid in some applications (web android ios). This project allows you to make deep exercice with QRcode, CBOR, COSE, Zlib and more stuff. Please not to do forgery, or counterfeiting.

If you have any question about how it works, please first take time to read more about the structure.

How it works

1) Read png, jpeg, pdf files
2) Find & decode QRcode
3) Remove HC1 (health certificate) prefix
4) Base45 decode
5) zlib inflate (decompress)
6) CBOR decode required fields

Same thing for the QRcode creation... reverse order.


Requires Node.js 12 at least, otherwise you'll get the ReferenceError: TextDecoder is not defined error.

nvm use 12


git clone
cd EUDGC-QrCode-Verify-x509
npm i


npm start <your_certif_qr_image>

# Return
Opening eu_digital_att.png ...
Decoded in 499 ms: {
  v: [
      ci: 'urn:uvci:01:FR:AZERTY123456#7',
      co: 'FR',
      dn: 2,
      dt: '2022-01-10',
      is: 'CNAM',
      ma: 'ORG-PFIZER',
      mp: 'EU/BIONTECH',
      sd: 2,
      tg: '1234567',
      vp: 'XXAA000'
  dob: '1993-12-12',
  nam: { fn: 'GROULT', gn: 'CAMILLE', fnt: 'GROULT', gnt: 'CAMILLE' },
  ver: '1.3.0'

Helpful sources

Used libraries

  • jsQR
  • jimp
  • base45
  • cbor
  • zlib