- About Project
- Built With
- Tech Stack
- Key Features
- Getting Started
- Usage
- Tests
- Author
- Future Features
- Contributing
- Show your support
- Acknowledgements
- License
Money Tally is a straightforward Rails application designed to help you track and monitor your daily expenses. It offers an overview of your total monthly expenses, broken down by category, giving you a clear picture of your spending patterns.
- Ruby on Rails
- Postgres SQL
- Ruby
- Rails
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- User Account Creation and Authentication
- Category Creation for Expenses
- Monthly Expense Overview
- Editable User Profile
To have the app on your local machine, please follow the instructions bellow.
Ensure you have Ruby >= 3.2.2, Rails >= 7.1.2 and postgres >= 15.3 installed on your machine. If not, follow the official installation guide for Ruby, Rails and PostgreSQL.
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/lily4178993/money-tally.git
Navigate to the project folder:
cd money-tally
You can use your own database and change the config/database.yml
default: &default
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
pool: 5
username: [your_postgres_username]
password: [your_postgres_password]
host: localhost
<<: *default
database: [your_database_for_development]
<<: *default
database: [your_database_for_test]
<<: *default
database: [your_database_for_production]
Install Ruby Gems:
Install project dependencies using Bundler:
bundle install
Install Node.js Dependencies:
This project has additional dependencies specified in
, install them using npm:npm install
Or if you prefer using Yarn:
yarn install
This step ensures that your development environment has all the required packages.
Database Setup:
Set up the database by running the following commands:
rails db:create rails db:migrate
To start the Rails server, run:
rails s
Visit http://localhost:3000
in your browser to explore the Money Tally platform.
The Money Tally application comes with a suite of tests to ensure the reliability and correctness of its functionality.
To run all the tests for the Money Tally application, follow these steps:
Run Migrations in the Test Database:
Ensure the test database is up-to-date by migrating tables:
rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
Execute Tests:
Run all tests using the following command:
rspec --format documentation
Money Tally is developed and maintained by Nelly Telli. If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, feel free to reach out:
- GitHub: @lily4178993
- LinkedIn: Nelly T.
Money Tally is constantly evolving, and we have some exciting features lined up to enhance your experience:
Theme Customization: We understand that personalization is key. In the future, you'll be able to customize the appearance of the app with various themes to suit your style.
Multilingual Support: To make Money Tally accessible to a wider audience, we are working on adding support for multiple languages. This will allow users to interact with the app in their preferred language.
Expanded Profile Options: We aim to give you more control over your profile. Soon, you'll have more options to edit and personalize your profile information, tailoring it to your needs.
Enhanced User Interface: We're committed to improving your experience. Expect a more intuitive and user-friendly interface, making your expense tracking smoother and more enjoyable.
Stay tuned for these updates as we strive to make Money Tally your go-to app for managing daily expenses!
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
If you find Money Tally helpful, please consider starring the repository.
Special thanks to Microverse for making this project possible. Original design idea by Gregoire Vella on Behance
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.