My various Tampermonkey / GreaseMonkey scripts
- use gzip format for downloading
- use ssh protocol for initialization instructions
- move notification button / status out to sidebar
- use
version links for search results - show visited search results in a different color
For the Element Web Matrix client.
- mark Telegram bridge users with a small icon at the corner of avatar
Use local time format for package dates.
- 问答
- 评论时,Tab 之后首先跳转到提交评论的按钮
- 文章
- 修复中键/Ctrl+左键点击在后台标签页中打开链接
- 图片、视频立即加载不等待,GIF 自动播放
- TODO: 刷新之后,浏览器无法恢复当前滚动位置
- Move Chinese and English languages to the front in the language list
- Hide Translate link
- For Vector 2022 theme, copy the language list back to bottom of left column
- link for Google Search to bypass redirecting (for visiting or copying)
- no unencrypted URL redirecting
- middle-click clear & paste on Google Searchbar (hold alt to not clear)
- Toggle navigation column to save space
- make the link in unsafe link popups a real link
- DNS 查询页面清除输入框并聚集
- Don't show the translate-to-Chinese tip. It's annoying.
- use purple (or other) color for visited links
- show IP geolocations in Chito admin pages
This script requires a local HTTP service.
- 生僻字使用文字显示
- 修复主内容区域不能正确显示的问题
- 修正微信文章标题
- Make titles of Chris's Wiki better
B 站优化。
- 禁用自动静音播放
- 移除未登录的各种烦人提示
- 双击视频播放器切换全屏
- 禁用 Alt+数字快捷键(与 Linux 下浏览器切换标签页冲突)
Duolingo 优化
- 中国大陆网民也要有朋友!