Generate ADS-B Attack Data for Classical Attack Patterns
The project is only for researches, please do not utilize the codes to implement attack behaviors in real air traffic environments.
The scripts are designed to reproduce the data disruptions for ADS-B data attack, which are the simulation codes for the paper "Threat Model and Construction Strategy on ADS-B Attack Data".
- Anaconda (Python 3.x edition)
- opensky_api (To obtain this package, please refer to
- scripts The execution scripts
- :The entrance code for the whole experiment, which is utilized to implement automatic generation procedure.
- t_tampering_attack :The test script for data manipulation attack
- t_ghost_attack :The test script for ghost injection attack
- t_replay_attack :The test script for data replay attack
- t_dos_attack :The test script for data block attack (DoS)
- attack :The core module for attack patterns
- attack :The basic class for attack patterns
- dos_attack :DoS attack disruption on ADS-B data
- ghost_attack :Ghost injection attack disruption on ADS-B data
- replay_attack :Replay attack disruption on ADS-B data
- tampering_attack :Data manipulation attack disruption on ADS-B data
- attack_choice :The strategy to choose the attacked flight targets
- basic_processor :Data processing and visualization
- data_collector :Collect data from OpenSky-Network
- data_io :Read/Write ADS-B data from disks
If you want to develop the code, please inherit the class: attack to extend new attack patterns.