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Dev Utility to Open Settings.cson of All Locales

Te-Chi Liu edited this page Mar 23, 2017 · 15 revisions

A Snippet to Open All settings.cson in Batch

It's a tiny util script to save time for translators or developers

# 1. rename projRoot to your path
# 2. copy following to your init.config

atom.commands.add 'atom-workspace', 'i18n-dev:open-all-settings-cson', ->
  return unless atom.workspace.getActivePane()

  path = require('path')
  fs = require('fs')

  projRoot = '/PATH/TO/ATOM-I18N'  # NOTE enter your path
  locales = fs.readdirSync(path.join(projRoot, 'def'))
  fileName = 'settings.cson'

  csons = => path.join(projRoot, 'def', locale, fileName))

  # open files in sequential order
  csons.reduce((cur, nextCson) =>
    cur.then(() =>
  , Promise.resolve('start'))


  • always returns one resolved promise even path is bad (atom handles that for you) so we don't need catch() at the end of promise chain
  • you can customize fileName to extend this script
  • a good chance to practice combining Promise and array methods reduce() : ]
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