This project integrates the configuration of vim
and nvim
. vimrc is a vim server configuration that did not introduce too many plugins.
uses Lunarvim as the base and makes some personalized configurations on top of it. LSP supports various syntax completion such as java
, c
, go
, etc., supports dap
for debugging, and others also support nvim-tree
and and other personalized plugins.
Currently being gradually updated...
only config for vim, exclude plug.
mv ~/.vimrc ~/.vimrc.old
cp .vimrc ~/.vimrc
# vim -c "PlugInstall" -c "q" -c "q"
lunarvim is an IDE layer for nvim, so you need pre-install nvim, then apply this configure.
mv ~/.config/lvim/config.lua ~/.config/lvim/config.lua.old
cp config.lua ~/.config/lvim/config.lua