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REMIE (Rich Error Module Is Excellent)

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Encapsulates additional information about an error that occurred in a standardized error object called a Remie error.


Install and save the Remie npm module to the package.json.

$ npm install --save remie


Create and configure an instance of Remie. Then create a new Remie error from a Node.js system error.

// Require the Remie module.
let Remie = require('remie');

// Create and configure a new instance of Remie.
let remie = new Remie();

let myVariable,

// Let's make an error occur.
try {
} catch(e) {
  // Create a Remie error to extend the information provided in the error object.
  error = remie.create(e, {
    level: Remie.ERROR_LEVEL_FATAL,  // Give it an error level e.g. warning or fatal
    referenceData: {                 // Hint at what data could have caused the error.
      myVariable: myVariable

The error can be converted to an object to be passed between internal services as JSON.


The above command produces the following console logs:

  error: {
	  code: undefined,
		message: 'Cannot read property \'myMethod\' of undefined',
		stack: 'TypeError: Cannot read property \'myMethod\' of undefined\n    at Object.<anonymous> (/remie/examples/basic.js:17:13)\n    at Module._compile (module.js:541:32)\n    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:550:10)\n    at Module.load (module.js:458:32)\n    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:417:12)\n    at Function.Module._load (module.js:409:3)\n    at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:575:10)\n    at startup (node.js:160:18)\n    at node.js:449:3'
  internalOnly: false,
  internalMessage: undefined,
  level: 'fatal',
  messageData: undefined,
  referenceData: {
	  myVariable: undefined
  statusCode: 500

The same object can then used to create a Remie error instance again.

let myRemieError = remie.create(error);

Or, you can sanitize the error and send it to a client.


The above command produces the following console logs:

  error: {
	  message: 'Cannot read property \'myMethod\' of undefined'
  internalOnly: false,
	level: 'fatal',
	referenceData: {
	  myVariable: undefined
	statusCode: 500

Table of Contents


Remie Methods

The Remie instance is used to create Remie errors with a standard set of configurations. The following Remie methods are available.


Builds a new Remie error instance. You can build it from a string, i18next locale, Node.js error, or an existing Remie error object.

remie.create(error, options);
Parameters Type Required Default Description
error String or Object No remie.defaultErrorMessage The error that occurred.
options Object No {} Configurations for the error object being built.
options.error.code String No undefined A unique value to reference the type of error that occurred.
options.internalMessage String No undefined Additional message to only display internally.
options.internalOnly Boolean No false When true, error should only be displayed internally
options.level String No error Error level (e.g. error, fatal, warn)
options.messageData Object No undefined Parameter data included in the error message.
options.referenceData Object No undefined Data that may have caused the error.
options.statusCode Number No 500 HTTP status code (e.g. 200, 400, 500)

Create from String

Create a new Remie error object with a string as the error parameter. Pass along any additional configurations in the options object parameter.

let error = remie.create("Something went horribly wrong", {  level: Remie.ERROR_LEVEL_FATAL  });

Create from Locale

Create a new Remie error object with an i18next string locale as the error parameter. Pass along any additional configurations in the options object parameter.

Note: i18next must be configured and included in the remie instance to handle the translation lookup.

// Require and configure i18next.
let remie = new Remie({ i18next: i18next });

let error = remie.create("server.400.notFound", {  
  error: {
    code: "server.400.notFound"
  "messageData": { page: ""}

Create from Node.js Error

Create a new Remie error object from an existing Node.js error as a parameter. Pass along any additional configurations in the options object parameter.

let myVariable = undefined;

// Let's make an error occur.
try {
} catch(e) {
  // Create a Remie error to extend the information provided in the error object.
  error = remie.create(e, {
    referenceData: {                 // Hint at what data could have caused the error.
      myVariable: myVariable

Create from Remie Error

Create a new Remie error object from an existing Remie error object as a parameter. Pass along any additional configurations in the options object parameter.

// Require and configure i18next.
let error1 = remie.create("something is wrong.");

let error2 = remie.create(error1, {
  internalMessage: "This is a copy of error1"

Create Internal

Same as create only the error will be marked as internal only by setting the internalOnly attribute to true.

remie.createInternal(error, options);
Parameters Type Required Default Description
error String or Object No remie.defaultErrorMessage The error that occurred.
options Object No {} Configurations for the error object being built.
options.error.code String No undefined A unique value to reference the type of error that occurred.
options.internalMessage String No undefined Additional message to only display internally.
options.internalOnly Boolean No false When true, error should only be displayed internally
options.level String No error Error level (e.g. error, fatal, warn)
options.messageData Object No undefined Parameter data included in the error message.
options.referenceData Object No undefined Data that may have caused the error.
options.statusCode Number No 500 HTTP status code (e.g. 200, 400, 500)
let error = remie.createInternal("Something went horribly wrong", {  level: Remie.ERROR_LEVEL_FATAL  });


Make a copy of an existing Remie error instance.

remie.copy(error, options);
Parameters Type Required Default Description
error Object No {} The Remie error instance to copy.
options Object No {} Configurations for the error object being built.
options.error.code String No undefined A unique value to reference the type of error that occurred.
options.internalMessage String No undefined Additional message to only display internally.
options.internalOnly Boolean No false When true, error should only be displayed internally
options.level String No error Error level (e.g. error, fatal, warn)
options.messageData Object No undefined Parameter data included in the error message.
options.referenceData Object No undefined Data that may have caused the error.
options.statusCode Number No 500 HTTP status code (e.g. 200, 400, 500)
let error1 = remie.create("this is an error");
let error2 = remie.copy(error1);


Set an option in the Remie instance. Provide the option name and new value as parameters. See available Remie configurations.

remie.set(option, value);
Parameters Type Required Default Description
option String Yes undefined The name of the option to set.
value Varies Yes undefined The option's new value.
remie.set("defaultErrorMessage", "An internal error has occurred.");


Get an option in the Remie instance by providing the option name as a parameter. See available Remie configurations.

Parameters Type Required Default Description
option String Yes undefined The name of the option to get.
let defaultErrorMessage = remie.get("defaultErrorMessage");


Events are emitted by Remie using the standard Node.js EventEmitter. You can listen for these events.

let Remie = require('remie');

let remie = new Remie();

remie.on("MyEventHere", function() { /* Do Something Here */ });


Called when an internal message is added to a Remie error instance.

let Remie = require('remie');

let remie = new Remie();

remie.on(Remie.ON_CREATE_INTERNAL_MESSAGE, function(error, options) {
  console.log("[Internal Message]: " + error.internalMessage);

Error Levels

Remie includes several standard error levels that can be used to categorizing or logging errors. Remie uses the same error levels as node-bunyan.

Level String Description
ERROR_LEVEL_FATAL "fatal" The service/app is going to stop or become unusable now. An operator should definitely look into this soon.
ERROR_LEVEL_ERROR "error" Fatal for a particular request, but the service/app continues servicing other requests. An operator should look at this soon(ish).
ERROR_LEVEL_WARN "warn" A note on something that should probably be looked at by an operator eventually.
ERROR_LEVEL_INFO "info" Detail on regular operation.
ERROR_LEVEL_DEBUG "debug" Anything else, i.e. too verbose to be included in "info" level.
ERROR_LEVEL_TRACE "trace" Logging from external libraries used by your app or very detailed application logging.

You can access the error levels statically using the Remie npm module instance.

let Remie = require('remie');


Note: You cannot access these on a remie instance, aka non-statically.

let Remie = require('remie');
let remie = new Remie();

Remie.ERROR_LEVEL_FATAL  // GOOD!  Works!    WOW!

Configure Remie

You can configure the Remie instance at anytime using the following attributes:

Option Type Default Description
defaultErrorMessage String "Internal server error!" Default Remie error message used when an error message is not provided.
defaultErrorLocale String "server.500.generic" Default Remie error locale for i18next used when an error locale is required, but not provided.
defaultErrorStatusCode Number 500 Default Remie error status code used when an error status code is not provided.
defaultSanitizeOptions Object {} Default options passed to the Remie error sanitize method.
i18next Object undefined Instance of i18next used for translation of locales.

To configure a Remie instance while being created pass values into the constructor as an object.

let remie = new Remie({
    defaultErrorMessage: "Oh crap!",
    defaultErrorStatusCode: 200       // Everything is ok, it's fine, really... no problems.

You can also change a configuration at anytime using the set method.

remie.set("defaultErrorStatusCode", 500);  // Nvm, it's bad, really bad.

Remie Error

Remie Error Attributes

Parameter Type Default Description
error Object undefined Contains information about the error that occurred.
error.code String undefined A unique string that can programmatically identify the type of error that occurred.
error.message String undefined A user friendly description of the error that occurred.
error.stack String undefined A stack trace for the error that occurred.
internalOnly Boolean false When true, denotes the error is for the developer's eyes only.
internalMessage String undefined A special message that should not be shown to a user or client.
level String error Indicates the level of error that occurred. (e.g. warning, info, error, trace)
messageData String undefined Extra data that was included in the error message.
referenceData Object undefined Data that may have caused or is related to the error
statusCode Number 500 HTTP status code. (e.g. 200, 400, 500)

i18next Translations

When using i18next the locale will be placed in the error.code and options.messageData will contain any parameter keys/values included in the locale.

Remie Error Methods


Builds the current Remie error instance. You can build it from a string, i18next locale, Node.js error, or an existing Remie error object. The Remie Create method calls this method internally, see the create method documentation for more details., options, remie)
Parameters Type Required Default Description
error String or Object No remie.defaultErrorMessage The error that occurred.
options Object No {} Configurations for the error object being built.
options.error.code String No undefined A unique value to reference the type of error that occurred.
options.internalMessage String No undefined Additional message to only display internally.
options.internalOnly Boolean No false When true, error should only be displayed internally
options.level String No error Error level (e.g. error, fatal, warn)
options.messageData Object No undefined Parameter data included in the error message.
options.referenceData Object No undefined Data that may have caused the error.
options.statusCode Number No 500 HTTP status code (e.g. 200, 400, 500)
remie Object Yes undefined An instance of the Remie class. (e.g. new Remie({}))

See the Create method documentation for more details.

Error Get

Get an attribute in the Remie error instance by providing the attribute name as a parameter. See available Remie error attributes.

Parameters Type Required Default Description
attribute String Yes undefined The name of the attribute to get.

Error Set

Set an attribute in the Remie error instance. Provide the attribute name and new value as parameters. See available Remie error attributes.

error.set(attribute, value);
Parameters Type Required Default Description
attribute String Yes undefined The name of the attribute to set.
value Varies Yes undefined The attribute's new value.
error.set("internalOnly", true);


Convert the Remie error instance into a JSON object that can then be passed to a client or user. This removes attributes that are considered private or not needed by a client or user. Include an attributes name as the key with a value of false in the options parameter to exclude it from the returned sanitized object.

Parameters Type Required Default Description
options Object No {} Includes key/value pairs of options for the sanitize method.
options.error.code Boolean No undefined When true, includes error.code in the returned sanitized object.
options.error.message Boolean No undefined When true, includes error.message in the returned sanitized object.
options.error.stack Boolean No undefined When true, includes error.stack in the returned sanitized object.
options.internalOnly Boolean No undefined When true, returns undefined instead of a sanitized object.
options.level Boolean No undefined When true, includes level in the returned sanitized object.
options.messageData Boolean No undefined When true, includes messageData in the returned sanitized object.
options.referenceData Boolean No undefined When true, includes referenceData in the returned sanitized object.
options.statusCode Boolean No undefined When true, includes statusCode in the returned sanitized object.


Convert the Remie error instance into a JSON object. This object can be passed from system to system as JSON, then be used to recreate the Remie error instance again.



A series of examples exist to help you understand how to use remie. They are all located in the examples folder. You can follow these steps to use and play with the examples.

  1. Download or clone the repo.
git clone
  1. Navigate to the examples folder.
cd remie/examples
  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Run any example using node nameOfExampleFile.js
node basic.js


Remie includes tests using the mocha framework. Run and ensure these tests pass before submitting code to a stable branch or finished pull-request.

  1. Download or clone the repo.
git clone
  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Run the tests
npm test


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