Simple app to show how Light and Dark Themes are set.
- From Project View, In the res folder, add a new "Android Resources Directory" called "values-night".
- Within values-night folder, add a "Values Resource File" called "themes.xml".
- Add a style tag with the name as Theme.Xxxx and the parent as android:style/Theme.Material.NoActionBar.
- add the item android:statusBarColor and inside the item give it a color @color_brlue_sky
- The status bar
- it the very top line on the app.. where the time, wifi icon and other icons are displayed
- In Light Color status bar you might need this line to make icons visible
<item name="android:windowLightStatusBar">true</item>
- The color is set in approppriate Dark or Light Theme.xml in
<item name="android:statusBarColor">@color/Purple_700</item>
- The Top App bar
- is set by code with TopAppBar() in scaffold
- The color can be controled with:
- is set by code with TopAppBar() in scaffold
// ...
backgroundColor = Color.Transparent,
// ...
// ...
backgroundColor = MaterialTheme.colors.background,
// ...
ref: demo-light-and-dark-theme-app-android-kotlin-compose