A playbook to Evaluate RocksDB Performance with MBWU-based methodology.
Control Node
- ansible >= 2.9.0
- python-apt or python3-apt or aptitude
Managed Nodes ([rocksdb, storage])
- apt-transport-https
- python-apt or python3-apt or aptitude
git clone https://github.com/ljishen/MBWU-RocksDB.git
# run within this dir so that ansible-playbook can see ansible.cfg
cd MBWU-RocksDB
# Add hosts to groups of rocksdb and storage
vim hosts.yml
# run tests
ansible-playbook playbooks/main.yml [-v]
# Extra Variables:
# - rocksdb_options_file:
# This is the path of the RockDB options file.
# The default value is:
# {{ playbook_dir }}/templates/OPTIONS
# - ycsb_workload:
# This variable accepts the name of a YCSB core workload
# ("workloada" to "workloadf") or an user-defined workload.
# The default value is:
# {{ playbook_dir }}/templates/myworkloada
# Options:
# -v Show debug messages while running playbook
# For example:
# $ ansible-playbook playbooks/main.yml -v \
# --extra-vars "ycsb_workload=/path/to/your/ycsb/workload rocksdb_options_file=/path/to/your/optionsfile"
# The final output dir is on the control node: {{ inventory_dir }}/analysis/output/{{ workload_name }}
- MBWU-RocksDB-data: Experiment Results From Running with RocksDB
- MBWU-TRocksDB-data: Experiment Results From Running with TRocksDB