Turbo is a game engine created by me for me to learn and also create games.
Rendering API: Vulkan
Language: C++ 20
Platform: Windows only (for now)
- Fast 2D rendering (sprites, textures, ...)
- Basic 3D rendering (lights, meshes, ...)
- Integrated 3rd party 2D and 3D physics engine
- Scripted interaction and behaviour
- Audio system
- Featured editor application
Using Visual Studio 2022 is recommended. Turbo is not tested on other IDEs/Editors.
1. Downloading the repository
Start by cloning this repository using git clone https://www.github.com/lksrb/Turbo
You do not have to intall the submodules, python scripts will handle that for you.
2. Setting up the project
Navigate to scripts
folder and run Setup.bat.
This script will ensure that you have the right dependencies and generate Turbo.sln
into the root folder.
Main goals of this game engine is to work and be usable. Also fast yes.
If you want to know what the engine is capable of, check out this video.