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Etch A Sketch

A simple drawing application which merges Etch and Sketch into one.

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Toggle the brief


  • Create a webpage with a 16x16 grid of square divs.

  • Create the divs using JavaScript. Don’t try making them by hand with copy and pasting in your HTML file!

  • It’s best to put your grid squares inside another “container” div (which can go directly in your HTML).

  • Set up a “hover” effect so that the grid divs change color when your mouse passes over them, leaving a (pixelated) trail through your grid like a pen would.

  • Add a button to the top of the screen that will send the user a popup asking for the number of squares per side for the new grid. Once entered, the existing grid should be removed and a new grid should be generated in the same total space as before (e.g. 960px wide) so that you’ve got a new sketch pad

    • Set the limit for the user input to a maximum of 100
    • Set the limit for the user input to a maximum of 100
  • (Optional): Instead of just changing the color of a square from black to white (for example), have each pass through with the mouse change it to a completely random RGB value. Then try having each pass just add another 10% of black to it so that only after 10 passes is the square completely black.

Project Brief Source:


  • Etch a Sketch uses JavaScript powered by Typerscript to create a grid of squares on the DOM.

Built with


  • HTML
  • SCSS
  • TypeScript


  • Visual Studio Code
  • Svelte & Vite
  • ESLint + Prettier
  • Git and GitHub
  • Netlify (hosting)
  • Husky CI

Third party code


  • Used HTML5 semantic elements for better readability and structure.
  • CSS Grid used for re-generating the massive sketch area.
  • Project managed with Github and Git integration and quick previews with Netlify.
  • Works on all device. (Bug while hovering/swiping divs (pixels) on mobile)
  • Follows formating and linting enforced by strict prettier & eslint.


What I learned

  • DOM manipulation and working only with scripting language to create & destroy elements
    • Somewhat similar to a CRUD app but for artists.
  • Making the code readable.
  • It takes few tries before one gets it right.
    • For example, event handling and the execution order of each function is critical.
  • Learned and refined SCSS skills.
  • Focus on UX while keeping DX in mind.
  • Creating welcoming and beautiful visuals when the scope of the project is small.
