Utility project to help converting legacy projects to Maven.
./mvnw clean package
The executable scripts (sh and bat) will be created at target/appassembler/bin
To test the search using the project jars
./target/appassembler/bin/searchJars.sh ./target/appassembler/repo
The following script is available.
This script will find jar files found on the directory passed as argument and subdirectories, will calculate its checksums and search for them in Maven Central repository.
usage: ./searchJars.sh <directory>
or searchJars.bat <directory>
The output is written to console, tab separated, it can be redirected to a file if desired. e.g.:
./searchJars.sh /project_dir/libs > output.tsv
Column | Description |
FILE_PATH | jar file path |
CHECKSUM | SHA1 file checsum |
MAVEN_ID | Maven artifact identifier in format <groupId>:<artifactId>:<version> |
MAVEN_SNIPPET | code snippet for pom.xml |
GRADLE_SNIPPET | code snipped for gradle builds |
TIMESTAMP | artifact timestamp |
CLASSIFIERS | available classifiers for artifact (sources, javadoc...) |
example output:
looking for jar files...
Found: ./target/appassembler/repo/json-20230227.jar
Found: ./target/appassembler/repo/maven-conversion-utils-0.0.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
Found 2 files...
calculating checksums...
searching maven central...
creating report...
./target/appassembler/repo/json-20230227.jar 7a0d4aca76513d8ce81f9b044ce8126b84809ad8 org.json:json:20230227 <dependency><groupId>org.json</groupId><artifactId>json</artifactId><version>20230227</version></dependency> compile 'org.json:json:20230227' 1677505129000 [-sources.jar, .pom, -javadoc.jar, .jar]
./target/appassembler/repo/maven-conversion-utils-0.0.4-SNAPSHOT.jar 1f8167ff64d01c889f25a5c829bafd65ebffc6d6 No artifacts found