Prerequisites: $ node --version v12.9.0
$ npm --version 6.10.2
Android Studio 3.4.2 Build #AI-183.6156.11.34.5692245, built on June 27, 2019 JRE: 1.8.0_152-release-1343-b01 amd64 JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o Windows 10 10.0
Project set up
Navigate to the root directory
npm install && npm run postinstall
The top-level build.gradle version value buildToolsVersion = "28.0.3" minSdkVersion = 21 compileSdkVersion = 28 targetSdkVersion = 28 supportLibVersion = "28.0.0" Google play service version: 49
run for android "npm run android" or "react-native run-android" - npm script for the convenient of running from VSCODE
Run on iOS
- under ios directory, from terminal, run command "pod install"
- open .xcworkspace file
- Choose build destination
- Hit "Build and Run" Note: refer this document for more information to build and run on iOS
IDE used:
- VSCode for react-native javascript
- Android studio for android development and Android Virtual Device (AVD)
Notes for android:
- Command
react-native run-android
on Mac OS may run you into issue. Please refer this link to resolve that - Send Ctrl + M to Android Virtual Device: 'adb shell input keyevent 82'
- refer to set rules for CRUD actions in firestore
- Google-services.json and debug.keystore are the 2 important files. We need those files for Google service authentication to interact with firebase services. Please contact or for these files as well as permission to the project on Google Cloud Platform
- Those 2 files should be under ./android/app/
- Without those files, you will not be able to build the Android project.
Note for iOS
- GoogleService-Info.plist. We need this file for Google service authentication to interact with firebase services. Please contact or for these files as well as permission to the project on Google Cloud Platform
- This file should be placed under ./ios/
- Without this file, you will not be able to build the iOS project.
References: Set up react native development
Create a Firebase project and get google-service.json for Google-Application Authentication
Install react-native-firebase module for project (search for @react-native-firebase in code to have more details)
Install react navigation
Install react-native-camera
iOS react-native-camera references zoontek/react-native-permissions#376 zoontek/react-native-permissions#348 (comment)
react-native-qr scanner
Android release npm run bundle-android cd android && ./gradlew assembleRelease