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LobbyPlag Data

This repository contains all the data LobbyPlag is built upon.

Raw data

The folder raw contains the data sources like lobby papers in arbitrary formats.

Open Data

The folfer data contains the pretty and usable open data.


The file directive.json contains the textual parts of the GDPR in 23 languages and in structured form.

		"id": "h1", 		// the id of the element
		"type": "title",	// title, recital, chapter, section, article, paragraph, point or text
		"literal": null,	// the "a" in "point a)" or "I" in "Chapter I", null if none
		"parent": "_",		// the id of the parent, "_" for top level elements
		"children": [],		// an array of the ids of all children elements
		"text": {			// object contaning the texts
			"en": "...",	// key is the language
			"de": "..."		// value is the text
	// ...


The file amendments.json contains amendments by MEPs.

		"uid": "a3e2d3e2t..."				// uid of the amendment (sha1 of old lobbyplag id)
		"committee": "imco",				// [Committee](#committees)
		"number": "1",						// amendment number
		"state": 0,							// voting state. 0=undecides, -1=rejected, 1=approved
		"procedure": {						
			"type": "cod",					// type of procedure. (cod means prdinary legislative)
			"year": "2012",					// year the procedure was started
			"number": "0011"				// number of the procedure
		"ids": {
			"parltrack": "am-0-PE-...",		// id on parltrack 
			"lobbyplag": "2012.0011..."		// old lobbyplag id
		"authors": [						// array of author names
			"Name Name",					// author name for nice print
			// ...							
		"author_ids": [						// array of author ids
			"a7021d...",					// relates to [mep](#members-of-the-european-parliament)
			// ...							
		"relations": [
			"x1",							// part of the [directive](#directive) the amendment relates to
			// ...
		"text": [							// array of amendment texts in different languages (probably)
				"lang": "en",				// iso-639-1 language
				"old": "xxx",				// the original text of the directive (as the amendment claims)
				"new": "yyy",				// the directive text the way the amendment wants it
				"del": ["xxx"],				// array of deleted bits of text
				"ins": ["yyy"],				// array of inserted bits of text
				"diff": "<del>xxx</del><ins>yyy</ins>", // diff with html markup
				"location": "..."			// the meps idea of a relation to the directive
			// ...
	// ...


The file proposals.json contains proposals by Lobbyists entities extracted from Documents

		"uid": "e1e1d...",			// uid of the proposal
		"doc_uid": "d0c1d...",		// uid of the proposals source [Document](#documents)
		"page": "2",				// the proposals page number in the source [Document](#documents)
		"text": {
			"old": "(1) old text",	// the original text of the directive written in the [Document](#documents)
			"new": "(1) new text",	// the proposed text
			"del": ["old"],			// array of deleted bits of text
			"ins": ["new"]			// array of inserted bits of text
		"diff": "<span>(1) </span><del>old</del><ins>new</ins><span> text</span>", // diff with html markup
		"relations": ["a4i1"]		// which parts of the [Directive](#directive) the proposal relates to
	// ...


The file plags.json contains matches between proposals and amendments, which we call plags.

		"uid": "91a6...",			// uid (sha1 of proposal.uid and amendment.uid)
		"relations": ["..."],		// parts of the [Directive](#directive) the plag relates to
		"amendment": "...",			// the uid of the [amendment](#amendments)
		"proposal": "...",			// the uid of the [proposal](#proposals)
		"implication": null,		// the uid of the [implication](#implications)
		"match": 0,					// propability of a match as determined by the matching algorithm (between 0 and 1)
		"checked": true,			// is the checking process complete?
		"verified": false			// is it a valid match?
		"processing": {				// for crowdsourcing
			"checks": 0,			// number of checks performed
			"positive": 0			// number of confirmative checks
	// ...


does not exist yet

The file implications.json contains the possible outcomes of a change in the directive.

has no structure yet


The file documents.json contains

		"uid": "9cdc...",				// an unique identifier
		"lobbyist": "accis",			// [Lobbyist](#lobbyists) id
		"imported": true,				// is the content of the document iimported to [Proposals](#proposals)
		"lang": "en",					// [Language](#languages) of the document
		"filename": "filename.pdf",		// original filename
		"mime": "application/pdf",		// mime type
		"size": 1234,					// size of the document in bytes
		"data": {						// information about the document
			"meta": {					// meta information retrieved from the file
				"title": "...",
				"author": "...",
				"subject": "...",
				"keywords": "..."
			"date": {					// creation and modification dates
				"created": 1354876548,
				"modified": 1354876548
			"pages": 10					// number of pages
	// ...


The file lobbyists.json contains a list of entities which have published lobby paprs

		"id": "lobbyorg",		// the id of that element
		"title": "LobbyOrg",	// the name of the entity
		"url": "http://...",	// an url to the entities website
		"description": {		// desctiption texts
			"en": "...",		// iso-639-1 code ➔ text
			// ...
		"relations": ["xxx"]	// ids of associated entities
	// ...

Members of the European Parliament

The file mep.json contains all currently active members of the European Parliament.

	"id": {						// id (derived from parltrack)
		"name": "Name",			// Name
		"country": "de",		// [Country Code](#countries)
		"group": "ecr",			// [Group](#groups)
		"lqdn": "http://...",	// Link to LQDN Memopol or null
		"agw": "http://..."		// Link to Abgeordnetenwatch or null
	// ...


The file mep.aliases.json contains Name variants used in EU Documents and relates them to the ID in mep.json

	"Alias": "id",
	// ...


The file lang.json contains an object of the official languages used in EU documents

	"de": "Deutsch", 	// iso-639-1 code ➔ languages own name
	// ...


The file countries.json contains the country names of EU member states. Please note that Great Britain uses UK.

	"de": "Germany", 	// iso-3166-1 alpha-2 code ➔ country name (english)
	// ...


The file groups.json contains the an object of groups in the EU Parliament.

	"epp": {								// id (lower-case ascii representation of short name)
		"short": "EPP",						// short name
		"long": "European People's Party",	// long name
		"mep": 271							// number of MEPs
	// ...


The file committees.json contains committee names.

	"flac": "Long Name", 	// four letter acronym ➔ comittee name
	// ...


All data used by LobbyPlag






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