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A Dockerfile for MOD01-07 training i.e. introductory R training.

docker pull lockedata/docker-intror
docker run -p 80:8787 -d -e PASSWORD=yourpasswordhere lockedata/docker-intror

NB: Setting a password is now REQUIRED. Container will error otherwise.


  • The DESCRIPTION file holds the package manifest of packages that will be available to attendees
  • The users.csv holds user names and passwords that can be used to access the Rstudio instance by attendees
  • The sampleSQL.R file gets added to everyone's home directory so that they can start working with a DB easily
  • and are setup bash scripts
  • The Dockerfile contains any system dependencies, runs the setup scripts, and installs from the DESCRIPTION file to add R package dependencies

Make your own version

  • Fork the repo
  • Create an automated build in that points at your repo
  • Amend the DESCRIPTION or other files
  • Docker hub will build images with the latest committed changes for you to use in docker