We transitioned to doppler to handle secrets, but the first iteration was used with a .env file.
Env Name | Description | Example |
APP_NAME | name of the app | badge-api |
APP_ENV | the application environment | dev, test, prod, etc |
AWS_LOGGER_ACCESS_KEY | s3 IAM access key | ... |
AWS_LOGGER_SECRET_KEY | s3 IAM access secret | ... |
OTEL_COLLECTOR_SVC | metrics collector service name | otel-container |
PG_DB_HOST | postgres host name | localhost |
PG_DB_USER | db user | ckc_user |
PG_DB_PASSWORD | db user password | somethingClever |
PG_DB_PORT | port for the postgres db | 5432 |
PG_DB_DATABASE | postgres database | cackalacky |
PG_DB_CONNECTION_LIMIT | connection limit | 10 |
REDIS_HOST | redis service name | redis-container |
SKIP_METRICS | Boolean to send to otel or not | False |
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv -p python3 ckcbadgeapi
. .\ckcbadgeapi\Scripts\activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
doppler secrets set SKIP_METRICS=False
doppler run -- uvicorn api:app --host --port 5000 --log-config log.ini
You'll have to set variables prior to running. So either set them inline, or export.
SKIP_METRICS=True uvicorn api:app --host --port 5000 --log-config log.ini
docker build -t cackalackyapi:dev .
docker run --name cackalackyapi -d -p 3001:5000 cackalackyapi:latest -e DOPPLER_TOKEN="<token>" --network local-ckc
docker stop cackalackyapi
docker rm cackalackyapi
docker exec -it cackalackyapi /bin/bash
To communicate with local redis & otel collector, create a docker network:
docker network create local-ckc
Then, run the containers with your network:
docker run .. --network local-ckc
We use redis as a cache layer for badge registration and also as a message queue for the discord bot and score processor.
For each badge that registers:
- Create a 8 character hash
- Store 2 kv pairs:
- key: 8 char hash w/uuid & mac address
- key: uuid&mac w/8 char hash
We store both combinations for badge registration in case the user of the badge exits the sign-up page. This enables the user to go back to the registration page on the badge and keep the same hash while the TTL is still valid
docker run --name redis-container --volume=/data --workdir=/data -p 6379:6379 --network local-ckc -d redis:latest
docker run --network=local-ckc --workdir=/app -p 3002:5000
Using Victoria Metrics as a substitute for prometheus to see if we can't save some resources. This isn't necessary for development or in this repo.
docker pull victoriametrics/victoria-metrics:latest
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/victoria-metrics-data:/victoria-metrics-data -p 8428:8428 --name victoriametrics victoriametrics/victoria-metrics:latest
Fast API doesn't have auto instrumentation. So we can't use that, we'll be programmatically creating metrics.
Metrics middleware creates a few basic metrics.
# nothing has changed in the way that we run the app
doppler run -- uvicorn api:app --host --port 5000 --log-config log.ini
If you run into issues with anything otel related, you may have to run (which is in the Dockerfile):
opentelemetry-bootstrap -a install
Potentially helpful: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63970177/how-to-set-an-opentelemetry-span-attribute-for-a-fastapi-route https://jairoandres.com/fastapi-open-telemetry-elastic-cloud/
We export our metrics to the otel collector, then victoria metrics reads from them
docker run otel/opentelemetry-collector --name otel-collector -p 4317:4317 -p 4318:4318 --network local --rm -v $(pwd)/open-telemetry/collector-config.yaml:/etc/otelcol/config.yaml
docker run otel/opentelemetry-collector --name otel-collector -p 4317:4317 -p 4318:4318 --network local --rm -v ${pwd}\\open-telemetry\\collector-config.yaml:/etc/otelcol/config.yaml
# local - REMEMBER TO RUN ALL LOCAL CONTAINERS with --network local-ckc
# <name of victoria container> -> is local only, in k8s we'll use the service
# to quiet some of the logs, remove "debug" from the exporter
verbosity: detailed
endpoint: http://<name of victoria container>:8428/api/v1/write
receivers: [otlp]
exporters: []
receivers: [otlp]
exporters: [debug,prometheusremotewrite]
receivers: [otlp]
exporters: []