Releases: loiclefevre/dragon
Releases · loiclefevre/dragon
DRAGON Stack Manager v2.2.0
New features
- added support for GraphStudio and Oracle Machine Learning for the database user
- added configuration checks against tenancy, compartment, and user ocid ensuring the values start with the expected patterns
- added Maven 3.X requirement and installation steps
- now database password is checked as it must not contain the database username or admin
- SSH key passphrase is checked to ensure it doesn't contain any hashtag
- object storage bucket existence is checked across the whole tenant to ensure there is no duplication error
DRAGON Stack v2.1.1
New features
- added support for microservice Stacks
- added support for Overrides (allow to override a base Stack template)
- added LiveLabs #2 (-cra#lab2) override: get a React-Table to display JSON documents
- added micro-service override that loads random JSON documents into Oracle Autonomous databases (-cms#json-po-generator)
- added DRAGON based LiveLabs link in the file
- added support for Linux on ARM processors
- fixed private key configuration when local path is being used (specifically for data loading from stacks)
DRAGON Stack v2.1.0
v2.1.0 - 2021.05.26
New features
- added support for Oracle JavaScript Extension Toolkit with the -create-jet-app command line option - huge thanks to Paolo Bellardone!
- added support for Autonomous Database 21c
- added support for Autonomous JSON Database Always Free
- added support for Autonomous Application Express (APEX) Always Free
- added support for Autonomous JSON Database
- added support for Autonomous Application Express (APEX)
- added support for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Limits
- helps checking the remaining number of Always Free Database available for a given tenant
- upgraded development infrastructure to GraalVM 21.1.0
- upgraded Node.js v14 version for React based frontend
- upgraded React Scripts to v4.0.3
- upgraded Axios to v0.21.1
- improved local configuration with Graph Studio URL, APEX and ORDS version
- fixed stack environment requirements
- GraalVM and Node.js versions
- tar command
- Node.js path for Windows
- fixed SODA collection creation using SODA for REST
DRAGON Stack v2.0.8
New features
- added OCI group and policies information in case you encounter related issue
- added -loadcsv capability: loads a CSV file into a table, if the table doesn't exist, the table DDL is deduced from the actual CSV content; note that the header is mandatory
- added database_tables parameter for dragon.config file to list CSV files to be loaded in
- improved error message in case of OCI authentication problem
DRAGON Stack v2.0.7
New features
- upgraded React based stacks to use react-scripts v4.0.1
- added links to documentation in ORDS.js
- display information about the possible upgrade version in the help
- allows to run DRAGON commands inside a stack folder using a specific redirect operator
- added stack environment requirements infrastructure
- added JDK v11 requirements including manual installation steps
- added Node.js v14.15.1 requirements including manual installation steps
DRAGON Stack v2.0.6
- creating stacks or loading JSON data is possible after the database has been provisioned
New features
- stop and start the database using -stop-db and -start-db
- using GraalVM 20.3.0 CE (LTS), allowing for compression of Linux executable now as for Windows under 20 MB
DRAGON Stack v2.0.5
- better error messaging for creation and termination of databases
New feature:
- infrastructure for overriding React based stacks
- Always Free databases can now be deployed as Autonomous Transaction Processing (database_type=atpfree) or Autonomous Data Warehouse (database_type=adwfree)
DRAGON Stack v2.0.4
- key_file from dragon.config is now expanded in the case it starts with the ~ char (user home directory)
- MAC OS title colors should now be yellow, as well as on Windows when ran from VSCode terminal
New feature:
- Using the -create-keys from the -config-template command now generates the SSH key pairs (the config file is also filled properly with the path and fingerprint)
DRAGON Stack v2.0.3
- pass_phrase parameter for SSH key
- downloads now use the pre-defined proxy
New features:
- create the pre-configured Spring Boot Petclinic web application connected to your Autonomous database
DRAGON Stack Manager v2.0.2
New features:
- renamed -load command to -loadjson
- you can now load JSON files containing JSON documents spreading several lines (no comma to separate them, no array)
- colors now working in Windows console (starting from Windows 10)
- updated create-react-app to React v4.0.0 (best to run with Node.js v14+)
- added -upgrade command to ease even more upgrading the DRAGON Stack Manager