A discord bot with multiple features. You need to have ffmpeg-6.0 at least in the project directory to make music functions work. Currently works well hosted with 2 core CPU and 6 GB RAM on Oracle Cloud.
-------***AVAILABLE COMMANDS : 20***-------
For the commands with $ at the beginning.
Type '?commands [command] for specific info.
?hello: Greets you.
?dnd game start: Plays a short dnd game with you.
?commands: Shows available commands.
?play [youtube url or query]: Plays a song.
?pause: Pauses the current playing song.
?resume: Resumes the current playing song.
?quit: Stops the current playing song and disconnects from the joined channel.
?join: Joins the channel if not connected.
?next: If there's a queue, plays the next song.
?remove [queue number]: Removes the song with the queue number index from queue.
?queue: Shows the song playing and to be played.
?randomfox: Shows a random fox image.
?randomdog: Shows a random dog image.
?randomcat: Shows a random cat image.
?randomnews: Shows random news.
($)?randomwaifu [nsfw/sfw] [category]: Shows a random anime girl image, using parameters is optional.
?joke me: Jokes you.
?lolmastery [Champion Name(no spaces)] [Summoner Name(no spaces)] [Server]: Shows the mastery points for desired character.
?lollevel [Summoner Name(no spaces)] [Server]: Shows account level on League of Legends.
?lolrank [Summoner Name(no spaces)] [Server] [flex/soloq]: Shows flex or soloq rank on League of Legends.