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LMC Powershell Script Collection

Collection of useful Powershell scripts

  • ipv6_cidr_to_mask.ps1

    Useful for turning a list of IPv6 CIDR shorthand into full addresses with mask. Screw your libararies.

  • ntfs_increase_journal_size.ps1

    Script for modifiying the NTFS USN Journaling size so that it's easier to implment via GPO. Useful for security forensics.

  • o365_alert_new_inbox_rule.ps1

    Script to be ran every 15 minutes that monitors new Inbox rules that get created in Office 365 that look suspicious.

  • o365_group_export.ps1

    Script to export distribution groups and members in a nice big ol' CSV for HR departments. =D

  • o365_seek_n_destroy.ps1

    Parse through Office 365 Compliance Center for specific emails and delete them.