A web scraper built with Golang. It downloads the content of a website and allows it to be archived and read offline.
Features and advantages over existing tools like wget, httrack, Teleport Pro:
- Free and open source
- Available for all platforms that Golang supports
- JPEG and PNG images can be converted down in quality to save disk space
- Excluded URLS will not be fetched (unlike wget)
- No incomplete temp files are left on disk
- Downloaded asset files are skipped in a new scraper run
- Assets from external domains are downloaded automatically
- Sane default values
- No GUI version, console only
There are 2 options to install goscrape:
- Download and unpack a binary release from Releases
- Compile the latest release from source:
go install github.com/cornelk/goscrape@latest
Compiling the tool from source code needs to have a recent version of Golang installed.
goscrape http://website.com
Scrape a website and create an offline browsable version on the disk.
Usage: goscrape [--include INCLUDE] [--exclude EXCLUDE] [--output OUTPUT] [--depth DEPTH] [--imagequality IMAGEQUALITY] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--proxy PROXY] [--user USER] [--useragent USERAGENT] [--verbose] URLS [URLS ...]
Positional arguments:
--include INCLUDE, -n INCLUDE
only include URLs with PERL Regular Expressions support
--exclude EXCLUDE, -x EXCLUDE
exclude URLs with PERL Regular Expressions support
--output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
output directory to write files to
--depth DEPTH, -d DEPTH
download depth, 0 for unlimited [default: 10]
image quality, 0 to disable reencoding
--timeout TIMEOUT, -t TIMEOUT
time limit in seconds for each HTTP request to connect and read the request body
--proxy PROXY, -p PROXY
HTTP proxy to use for scraping
--user USER, -u USER user[:password] to use for authentication
user agent to use for scraping
--verbose, -v verbose output
--help, -h display this help and exit