Android App Configurator, Screen dimensions calculator, Units measures converter (mm - cm - inch - pix - pt - twip).
Easy access to the basic information about your device and the application. Shows in the log the detailed information.
Easy work with default Shared preferences:
AppConfig.putSetting(key, isGood);
AppConfig.getBoolean(key, true);
Calculate Md5 from InputStream, files. Generate a hash String for different data sources.
Return installed applications information (Fingerprint, SignatureKeyHash, etc.)
Static methods for different screen parameters
Units measures converter
Simple file downloader
Operations with files, assets and dirs - copy/rename/delete/create. Clear the app data.
Operations with file name - extracting, adding, modifying path parts and file extensions.
Android tao core lib is available on Bintray. Please ensure that you are using the latest versions by
Gradle dependency for your Android app:
add to general build.gradle
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
dependencies {
classpath ''
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
add to your module build.gradle
compile ''
- fixing
- refactoring.
- added Demo
- refactoring.
- fields validator moved in the separate project.
- convert to Kotlin.
- removed Log module. See separate project - android-tao-log