To track your WAN IP and notify you if it changes.
To build the docker container properly. The following folder/file structure is required.
Create a folder in etc/docker called "iptracker"
Under "iptracker" folder create a folder called "app"
Copy all the files into the root of "iptracker" folder change into the "app" folder and create a new directory called "templates" Copy the 2 .py files into the "app" directory
Copy the index.html into the templates folder
Edit the .env file if email notifications needs to be enabled.
NOTE: If gmail will be used, I highly recommend using "App Passwords" from Google.
Once all the files are staged run the the following commands.
sudo docker build -t iptracker .
Once the container is built run the following command to bring up the container.
sudo docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name iptracker --env-file smtpsettings.env iptracker
This should start the container and you can browse to http://IPADDRESS:5000 and access the web page.