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a kubernetes lab to test servicemesh , firewall rules and so on

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Do you need a service mesh ?

few years ago i started to evaluate this feature fitting in an existing infrastructure

There are many concept to consider and many mistake the people usually think
Better to start with what is NOT a work for a service mesh

  • is not an apigw (even if could share some components)
  • is not the place to put firewall rules
  • is not something magic that boost the applications
  • is something that if not used with a know scope could generate a mess

So what is ...
well short answer

  • is the missing link in the infrastructure observability
  • is a way to handle in a structured way the application routing
  • is an internal ratelimit / anti ddos / infrastructure layer (be careful)
  • could be a clever way to improve some application limits (expanded next)

Anyway is this something that we can add in our infrastructure ?

There no YES/NO , however we can evaluate the company and the maturity of microservices
internal rate limit , is usually a feature that could safe the infrastructure during snowball effects
however means that if the infrastructure is SYNC (no decoupling) have the rate limit can just
stop the application to serve requests , and this will propagated to the others below.

result: no answer
threads safe

Sometimes it's better to have a strategic business login using the a circuit breaker that bring a huge complexity in configuration.

The other point related to rate limit is .. who will maintain those values ?
Should be part of deployment pipeline and directly correlated with the application scope
In a 200+ micro services infrastructure this could be a huge problem:

  • project that lost ownership
  • projects not well maintained
  • new legacy projects

So my idea about rate limit is to use it in a specific "strategic" applications and should not indiscriminately added to the whole infrastructure

About the routing feature, we can consider as a more detailed and customized blue green deployment , this specific case it's really useful when we have to deploy new features in production and canary deployment is not enough to cover the business measurement we need.

This feature could be used to keep a specific affinity within the microservices and this is the real feature that some of you can consider, imagine a strict dependencies between application an cache (as usual)
So the application Pippo is using the cache Paperino

Pippo is a namespace composed by 10 pods
Paperino is a cache composed by 6 pods

Imagine that we have the cache as a replication/sharded and we have 2 availability zones

With service mesh we can use labels to say to Pippo to use the cache Paperino only in the availability zone where the call start from Pippo av, this will reduce dramatically the roundtrip and the answer

I played a bit with service mesh in order to answer some questions,
however related to firewall rules the right answer is Cilium :-)

With this, I'd like to say that service mash give you a great value only
if your infrastructure is able to embrace it and only if you know what you are doing with this infrastructure.

  • observability
  • routing purpose (this is strictly related to the microservice architecture)
  • rate limitng

Service Mesh sample lab

This lab is provided to discover and test the functionality w'd like to implement in our environment

Basic setup

  • minikube v1.6.2
  • Kubernetes v1.17.0 on Docker '19.03.5'

curl -Lo minikube chmod +x minikube
sudo install minikube /usr/local/bin/
minikube start --memory=3000 --cpus=3

  • network (since in production we are using flannel that is not able to manage network policy we can start using no CNI to have the environment as much as close to lmn environment)


a → traefik (ingress)
b → apache
c → application
d → redis

b is a namespaces that manage an apache used for some rewrite rules
c is a python application that is connected to a redis database, provide some function to set a time, get a time with /set context and /get context
d is the redis database

c code

    Example app that integrates with redis and save/get timing
from os import environ
from datetime import datetime
import json
import redis
from flask import Flask, redirect

VERSION = "1.1.1"
REDIS_ENDPOINT = environ.get("REDIS_ENDPOINT", "redis-svc.d-redis.svc.cluster.local")
REDIS_PORT = int(environ.get("REDIS_PORT", "6379"))

APP = Flask(__name__)

def redisapp():
    """Main redirect"""
    return redirect("/get", code=302)

def set_var():
    """Set the time"""
    red = redis.StrictRedis(host=REDIS_ENDPOINT, port=REDIS_PORT, db=0)
    red.set("time", str(
    return json.dumps({"time": str(red.get("time"))})

def get_var():
    """Get the time"""
    red = redis.StrictRedis(host=REDIS_ENDPOINT, port=REDIS_PORT, db=0)
    return json.dumps({"time": str(red.get("time"))})

def reset():
    """Reset the time"""
    red = redis.StrictRedis(host=REDIS_ENDPOINT, port=REDIS_PORT, db=0)
    return json.dumps({"time": str(red.get("time"))})

def version():
    """Get the app version"""
    return json.dumps({"version": VERSION})

def health():
    """Check the app health"""
        red = redis.StrictRedis(host=REDIS_ENDPOINT, port=REDIS_PORT, db=0)
    except redis.exceptions.ConnectionError:
        return json.dumps({"ping": "FAIL"})

    return json.dumps({"ping":})

def ready():
    """Check the app readiness"""
    return health()

if __name__ == "__main__":, host="")


FROM python:3.6-alpine
COPY . /app
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
ENTRYPOINT ["python"]
CMD [""]



Folders structure

├── 00-traefik
│   ├── A-00-traefik-ns.yaml
│   ├── A-01-traefik-rbac.yaml
│   └── A-02-traefik-ds.yaml
├── 01-apache
│   ├── B-00-k8s-apacherr-ns.yaml
│   ├── B-01-k8s-apacherr-svc.yaml
│   ├── B-02-k8s-apacherr-ing.yaml
│   ├── B-03-k8s-apacherr-dpl.yaml
│   └── B-04-k8s-apacherr-cfm.yaml
├── 02-redis
│   ├── D-00-lab-redis-ns.yaml
│   ├── D-01-lab-redis-svc.yaml
│   └── D-02-lab-redis-dpl.yaml
└── 03-app
    ├── C-00-app-ns.yaml
    ├── C-01-app-svc.yaml
    └── C-02-app-dpl.yaml


kubernetes$ kubectl apply -f 00-traefik/

namespace/a-ingress-traefik created created    
serviceaccount/traefik-ingress-controller created created
serviceaccount/traefik-ingress-controller created
daemonset.apps/traefik-ingress-controller created
service/traefik-ingress-service created

kubernetes$ kubectl apply -f 01-apache/

namespace/b-apacherr created
service/apacherr-svc created
ingress.extensions/apacherr-ingress created
deployment.apps/apacherr created
configmap/apacherr-80-config created

kubernetes$ kubectl apply -f 02-redis/

namespace/d-redis created
service/redis-svc created
deployment.apps/redis created

kubernetes$ kubectl apply -f 03-app/

namespace/c-app-count created    
service/app-count-svc created  
deployment.apps/pythonapp created  

kubectl get po --all-namespaces

NAMESPACE           NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
a-ingress-traefik   traefik-ingress-controller-jkppg   1/1     Running   0          5m29s
b-apacherr          apacherr-8b786b45d-g9vcl           1/1     Running   0          5m19s
c-app-count         pythonapp-555d6d88cd-slhfb         1/1     Running   0          4m55s
d-redis             redis-b869b89d-pf6ms               1/1     Running   0          5m12s
kube-system         coredns-6955765f44-6nrdr           1/1     Running   1          74m
kube-system         coredns-6955765f44-9fbgt           1/1     Running   1          74m
kube-system         etcd-minikube                      1/1     Running   1          74m
kube-system         kube-addon-manager-minikube        1/1     Running   1          74m
kube-system         kube-apiserver-minikube            1/1     Running   1          74m
kube-system         kube-controller-manager-minikube   1/1     Running   1          74m
kube-system         kube-proxy-cchls                   1/1     Running   1          74m
kube-system         kube-scheduler-minikube            1/1     Running   1          74m
kube-system         storage-provisioner                1/1     Running   2          74m

make sure virtualbox 8081 port should be available

Virtualbox port forwarding



inizialize the redis database

$ curl http://pippo.lan/count/set
{"time": "b'2019-12-28 20:06:33.919059'"}

test from apache to application (case 1)

$ curl http://pippo.lan/count/get
{"time": "b'2019-12-28 20:06:33.919059'"}

test from apache to redis (case 2)

$ curl http://pippo.lan/redis/GET/time
{"GET":"2019-12-28 20:06:33.919059"}

network rule example

cilium labels

ENDPOINT   POLICY (ingress)   POLICY (egress)   IDENTITY   LABELS (source:key[=value])                           IPv6   IPv4            STATUS   
           ENFORCEMENT        ENFORCEMENT                                                                                               
201        Disabled           Disabled          32580      k8s:app=redis                                         ready   
1257       Disabled           Disabled          4          reserved:health                                       ready   
1663       Disabled           Disabled          54130      k8s:app=apacherr                                       ready   
3167       Disabled           Disabled          33702      k8s:app=pythonapp                                     ready   

network rule

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: isolate-namespace
  namespace: d-redis
  podSelector: {}
  - Ingress
  - Egress
  - from:
    - namespaceSelector:
          name: c-app-count
  - to:
    - namespaceSelector:
          name: c-app-count


cilium/hubble hubble


istio/kiali kiali


video Cilium example --> img/cilium.mkv

video Istio + Cilium example --> img/istio.mkv


  • use service mesh to segregate redis "d" to accept connections only from application "c"
    expected "case 1" still working, "case 2" stop working and receive an error


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